Old age and invalidity insurance

Automation of the life check process for old age and invalidity insurance

As of January 1, 2022, Swiss nationals domiciled abroad will in principle not receive an application for a life certificate. The condition for this is that they are registered with a Swiss representation in their country of residence. The information will be transmitted directly from the Register of the Swiss Abroad to the Swiss Compensation Office.

Swiss nationals who are not registered with a Swiss representation will continue to receive requests for the submission of life certificates.

In exceptional cases, registered persons may nevertheless receive such a request. In this case, the persons concerned must complete this document and have it certified in order to avoid having their pension suspended.

Warning: False information about the Swiss pension system are circulating on the web!

The Swiss representation abroad officially denies the information circulating on certain websites about alleged beneficial pensions that Latin American citizens could obtain in Switzerland. This false publicity refers to a so-called clause in the Swiss Constitution that would allow foreigners to access to high pensions. Please ignore this erroneous information that has no truthfulness. We recommend that you are being cautious about sharing your personal data with third parties.

Voluntary Swiss OASI/IV scheme

If you no longer live in Switzerland, are no longer subject to the compulsory Swiss Old-Age and Survivors Insurance scheme (OASI) and the Swiss Invalidity Insurance scheme (IV), and you live in a country that is not a member of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), you can maintain your insurance cover in Switzerland by paying into the voluntary OASI/IV scheme, provided that you meet the membership requirements (OASIA, SR 831.10/InvIA, SR831.20/VOASIO, SR 831.111).

Federal Act on Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASIA, SR 831.10) (de, fr, it)

Federal Act on Invalidity Insurance (InvIA, SR 831.20) (de, fr, it)

Federal Ordinance on Voluntary Old-Age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance (VOASIO, SR. 831.11) (de, fr, it)

The Swiss representation that covers the country where you live will be pleased to provide you with more information on the voluntary OASI/IV scheme.

Generally speaking, joining the voluntary Swiss insurance scheme does not release you from any compulsory social security obligations you have in another country. The competent social security office in your country of residence can provide you with more information on your rights and obligations.