Call for consultants

Local news, 20.12.2023

The Swiss Contribution Office in cooperation with the National Coordination Unit for the Swiss-Bulgarian Cooperation Programme (SBCP) intends to establish a roster of consultants in view of supporting the development and implementation of selected support measures.

Interested consultants are requested to send their CVs including references in English  to, att. SCO, while copying, indicating their expertise in the thematic areas covered by the SBCP (c.f. the Annex to the Framework Agreement available here):

  • Vocational education and training,
  • Research,
  • Migration management and combating THB,
  • Community policing and juvenile delinquency,
  • Anti-corruptuon and integrity promotion,
  • Air quality,
  • Waste managment,
  • Sustainable nature use, health,
  • Social inclusion and
  • Civic engagement

Inclusion in the roster is neither necessary nor sufficient for the conclusion of a future contract.