Women’s Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus (WEE)
- 31.08.2026
Switzerland has been successfully supporting women and their businesses in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan since 2017. In this final phase of the project, Switzerland aims to institutionalize gender-related policies at national and local levels, build the capacities of the governmental and non-governmental partners to continue promoting women's empowerment and encourage the private sector to support more women in the formal economy.
Socio-Economic Integration of Refugees in Armenia - SEIRA
- 31.08.2027
Switzerland will continue supporting Armenia in integrating refugees from Nagorno Karabakh into society while improving social cohesion and economic prospects in remote rural areas of the country. By contributing to activities of the UN World Food Programme and of a local NGO, it will support 1’500 refugee- and vulnerable local households towards sustainable development facilitating the transition from humanitarian aid to long-term development.
Armenia: Early Recovery after Floods 2024 (Direct Action)
- 31.12.2025
Heavy rainfall in May 2024 led to flooding in Northern Armenia, four casualties, temporary displacement of 2’400 persons and considerable damage on public and private infrastructure. A Rapid Response Team of Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) assessed structural engineering (bridges, roads) damages. Based on that assessment, the proposed SHA Direct Action supports early recovery efforts in Armenia with pedestrian bridges, an event analysis and engineering advice.
Armenia SET Floods June 2024
- 30.06.2024
Due to heavy rainfall since 25./26.05.2024, severe flooding occurred in two regions of Armenia, which caused some casualties and serious damage to infrastructural facilities such as bridges, roads, railroad lines, pump stations etc. The Armenian authorities asked for international support and accepted Switzerland’s offer for assistance through the deployment of a “SofortEinsatzTeam / SET”, specialized in carrying out structural assessments of damaged infrastructure. Decisions on optimum use of funds will be taken by the Crisis Cell chaired by the Head of HA in close coordination with the desk and Swiss representation in the country.
Contributions 2024 to ICRC Country Programs in protracted crises
- 31.12.2024
The ICRC is the most important partner of SDC in the humanitarian field. About one third of the SDC Humanitarian Aid budget is allocated to the ICRC. The contribution of CHF 56 million to ICRC country programs reflects Switzerland’s interest to have a strong ICRC throughout the world and to contribute to alleviate the suffering of people affected by conflicts.
Projekt abgeschlossen
Armenia – Contribution to Refugee Response Plan
- 31.03.2024
As part of its emergency response to the arrival in Armenia of more than 100’000 people from Nagorno Karabakh between 24.09 and 04.10.2023, Switzerland, through the SDC, provides an unearmarked contribution of CHF 500’000 to the UN Inter-Agency Refugee Response Plan (RRP) that supports the Government of Armenia’s efforts to host these people in the best possible conditions in view of the coming winter, and to enhance the resilience of both host communities and the newly arrived refugees.
Projekt abgeschlossen
Allocation of SDC Funding (MENA Europe Division) in 2023 to ICRC Operations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine
- 31.12.2023
SDC funding to ICRC operations allows the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to respond proactively and to provide immediate protection and assistance for people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. In line with the Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) principles, Switzerland recognizes the necessity of predictable and flexible funding to respond to changing needs in humanitarian crises.
Projekt abgeschlossen
Resilience & Economic Recovery of Border Communities in Armenia REBCA
- 31.07.2024
Armenia's positive socio-economic development in recent years has been plagued time and again by massive set-backs such as the COVID-19 pandemic, military conflicts and external economic shocks. A further escalation of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in September 2022 severely affected border communities, home of more than 90,000 people. A contribution to the World Food Programme (WFP) will provide immediate support for humanitarian assistance and economic recovery.
Sustainable Inclusive Growth in Mountainous Armenia (SIGMA)
- 30.11.2026
Through an innovative intervention using the market systems development approach, SDC aims to generate additional income and decent jobs in rural mountainous areas of Armenia, where agriculture and tourism are the main source of income. Together with private and public stakeholders, at the local and national levels, the project will invest in selected value chains by promoting inclusive, climate smart, and sustainable economic growth in its first phase until end 2026.
Projekt abgeschlossen
ICRC Operations Appeals 2022: Allocation 2022 - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine
- 31.12.2022
SDC funding to ICRC operations allows the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to respond proactively and to provide immediate protection and assistance for people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence. In line with the Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) principles, Switzerland recognizes the necessity of predictable and flexible funding to respond to changing needs in humanitarian crises.
Modernizing VET in Agriculture in Armenia
- 31.08.2025
While 37% of Armenia’s labour force is employed in agriculture, men and women do not earn sufficient income, incl. due to a lack of professional skills. This multi-stakeholder intervention, which includes a SDC contribution, further develops country-wide work-based learning education, strengthens specialized institutions and modernizes the regulatory framework, enabling professionals and graduates to acquire relevant qualification, find employment or establish their own businesses.
Regional Arts and Culture Project in the South Caucasus
- 31.10.2025
By supporting documentary films, documentary theatre and photography as powerful tools of contemporary art, the project will challenge social stigma, promote inclusion and human rights through empowering the civil society, nurturing intercultural dialogue and regional cooperation in the South Caucasus.