Improved living conditions for Roma in Slovakia

- 30.06.2017
Integrating the Roma people into society presents a major challenge both to Slovakia and for the whole region. Currently, the Roma in Slovakia, who make up around 8.5% of the population in the eastern provinces of Kosice and Presov, are disadvantaged in comparison with the majority of the population. Typically, they live in badly constructed, dilapidated housing and rarely have access to education or healthcare services. The poor living conditions lead to long-term unemployment and high levels of poverty. An SDC project being conducted within the framework of the enlargement contribution is designed to improve their living standard.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Slovakia |
Unallocated / Unspecified
Sectors not specified
Improving social security
Social services for specific target groups
01.05.2012 - 30.06.2017 |
CHF 1’410’000 |
Project completed
Slovak Paradise Tourism Cluster
- 30.09.2015
The project aims at the mobilisation of the high tourism potential of the Slovenský raj (“Slovak Paradise”) and surrounding areas and sustainable development of the region, through the establishment of a regional tourism organisation and a Tourist information centre in the UNESCO World Heritage Site Dobšinská Ľadová jaskyňa (Dobšinská Ice Cave). In addition, the local public and private actors (including the Roma community) will be trained in effective tourism destination marketing.
Project completed
- 31.12.2016
The aim of the project TOKAJ IS THE ONLY ONE is to improve the quality of life of the citizens living in the Tokaj region in Eastern Slovakia by widening the offer to tourists through the construction of infrastructures (information center, view tower), the revival of traditional products and a new range of services. The quality of existing touristic services will be increased also through training. Under the TOKAJ brand the whole region shall be easily identified and made visible.
Project completed
Zemplinske Hamre – discovering history of mining and iron smelting
- 31.12.2015
The purpose of the project is the development of the peripheral Snina region through mobilisation of cultural-cognitive tourism and the revival of the cultural and historical heritage of the municipality of Zemplinske Hamre. Possibilities for all-year tourism shall be created and tourism services shall be improved with the aim to prolong the stay of guests in the municipality.
Project completed
Please come and join us...
- 30.06.2016
The project aims to improve the quality of life of the persons living in social service facilities of the Kosice region in Eastern Slovakia. The project will finance the reconstruction and extension of one social service facility for mentally and physically disabled people. Furthermore, various measures will be implemented aiming at increased social integration of handicapped people, and social workers of 14 social service facilities will be trained.
Project completed
ROAD for disabled children and youth
- 31.12.2015
Slovakia lacks complex care centres for handicapped children and their families. The project shall introduce and test a pilot system of complex care services for children and youth with the most severe level of disability, linking the three main aspects influencing their quality of life: quality of provided institutional services, quality of domestic care and scope of the clients’ socialising abilities.
Project completed
Comprehensive Social Services for Children and Young people with Disabilities in Stara Lubovna
- 30.04.2017
The project „comprehensive social services for children and young people with disabilities in the region of Stara Lubovna” (18’000 inhabitants) enhances the health and integration of severely disabled children. The applicant is an NGO, the Presov Greek Catholic Charity, which will implement the main following activities, (i): recruitment and training of staff; (ii): efforts for rehabilitation; (iii): creation of a Day Centre; (iv): transport services; (v): set-up of sheltered workshops and (vi): employment service for disabled youth.
Project completed
Reform of the Slovakian vocational education and training system

- 31.03.2017
The goal of this project is the reform of Slovakia's vocational education and training system to better gear vocational education and training (VET) programmes toward the country's labour market. According to statistics, youth unemployment in Slovakia is around 30%. Many sectors of the economy in Slovakia nevertheless complain that it is difficult to find well-qualified staff and wish to see more practice-oriented vocational education and training. This project therefore actively promotes cooperation between upper-secondary vocational schools, industry associations and employer organisations. Switzerland functions as a model and with its extensive experience of the dual vocational education system, is playing an important part in the ongoing reform.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Slovakia |
Unallocated / Unspecified
Sectors not specified
Promoting economic growth and improving working conditions
Regional development and employment
26.01.2012 - 31.03.2017 |
CHF 3’885’000 |
Project completed
Extension of Police Corps information system ACHERON
- 30.06.2015
The goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the analytical information system of the Slovak Police Force. As a result, a secured up-to-date IT analytical information tool will support the fight against corruption and organised crime in the country. As well, the project will help to fulfil the international obligations of Slovakia in the filed of criminal intelligence.
Project completed
Development and Technological Innovation of the Criminal Judicial
- 31.03.2015
The project shall contribute to the introduction of e-Justice in Slovakia. The main goal is to interconnect and improve the currently used fragmented and partially outdated IT system of Slovak courts. The decision-making process of courts shall be simplified and speeded up. Transparency and public control shall be increased thanks to publicly accessible court actions and decisions.
Project completed
Block Grant for NGO and Partnerships in Slovakia

- 31.12.2015
The goal of the Block Grant for NGO and Swiss-Slovak Partnership Support is to strengthen civil society as an important factor of social cohesion and sustainable development as well as to support cooperation between Swiss and Slovak institutions. It will support projects aimed at the provision of social services, protection of the environment and joint Swiss-Slovak Projects.
Project completed
The enhancement of preparedness of the rescue forces of the Slovak Republic
- 31.03.2017
Since 1998, Slovakia has seen a big increase in the occurrence of various types of natural disasters and of other types of emergencies. This is reflected in a 25% rise of overall rescue activities between 1998 and 2008. The Integrated Rescue System (1RS) of the Slovak Republic needs to provide the assistance as fast and effective as possible. The speed and effectiveness of the assistance is to a great extent influenced by the professional knowledge and technical equipment of the rescue forces, as well as the effectiveness of deployment. The analysis of the intervention actions of the rescue forces shows that incidents like floods, forest fires, wind or snow calamities, mass traffic accidents in tunnels and the leakage of dangerous substances are the accidents where the rescue forces suffer the biggest lack of professional preparedness and the lack of necessary technical equipment necessary for the management of such situations.