Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction: Part II CEDRIG Handbook

Month | 5 |
Publication year | 2013 |
Pages | 44 |
Price | free |
Languages | English, French, Spanish |
(PDF, 44 Pages, 2.2 MB, English)
The Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance CEDRIG is a tool to support project managers in analyzing whether existing and planned cooperation strategies, programs and projects are at risk from disasters emanating from climate variability, climate change, environmental degradation and/or tectonic activities, as well as whether they have an impact on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and/or the environment. This guidance is structured in two main parts: Part II contains the practical handbook. This is the core part of the guidance and shall guide through the process of how to screen and assess whether strategies, programmes or projects are at significant risk from disasters emanating from climate variability, climate change, environmental degradation and/or tectonic activities and whether they have a significant impact on GHG emissions and/or the environment. The handbook is a self-explanatory and hands-on guidance which leads the user through the process of CEDRIG. Part I outlines the rationale and framework of SDC’s CEDRIG and provides the user with procedural information about the approach, key definitions and explanations as well as supporting materials. (Concept and Support Material of CEDRIG)