Press releases

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Switzerland once again a full member of partnership-funded EU innovation programmes

23.08.2017 — Europa
On 23 August, the Federal Council approved the agreements on Switzerland’s participation in the Eurostars-2 and the Active and Assisted Living research and development programmes. This means that Switzerland is once again a full member of both programmes and is co-financed by the EU. The programmes are particularly interesting for research-intensive SMEs looking to enter new European or global markets through cross-border cooperation. Switzerland’s participation in the AAL programme is one of the many measures that form part of the federal government’s Skilled Workers Initiative.

Linking of the Swiss and European emissions trading systems: big step forward

16.08.2017 — Europa
Switzerland and the European Union are preparing to link their emissions trading systems. The Federal Council approved the signing of the corresponding agreement at its meeting of 16 August 2017. The European Commission has also adopted proposals for the signature and ratification of the agreement and has submitted them to the Council of the European Union for approval. The agreement could be signed before the end of this year. Its ratification must then be approved by the Swiss and European parliaments.

President Leuthard in Copenhagen for working meeting

07.08.2017 — Press releases Europa
President Doris Leuthard held talks with Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen on Monday, 7 August. In addition to bilateral relations between the two countries, the main subjects discussed were Switzerland’s policy towards the European Union (EU) and global climate policy.

Ten years of the European Research Council: positive record from Swiss perspective

06.07.2017 — Press releases Europa
An event was held in Geneva on 6 July to mark the tenth anniversary of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC awards valuable grants to excellent scientists across all disciplines to carry out pioneering research at institutions in an EU member state or associated state. Scientists active in Switzerland have been particularly successful with their applications for ERC grants. State Secretary Mauro Dell’Ambrogio praised the pioneering role of the ERC and its importance for the entire European research area – as well as for Switzerland.

Switzerland-EU relations: Federal Council sets priorities and agenda

28.06.2017 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 28 June 2017, the Federal Council set out its priorities for Switzerland's relationship with the European Union. It acknowledged the social and economic importance of the bilateral path, which allows the country to prosper while maintaining its independence. The government reiterated its intention to maintain and build on this relationship, particularly in regard to market access. It plans to assess the situation in the next few months based on the tangible outcomes obtained following the resumption of talks on outstanding dossiers. To this end it has scheduled a number of phases for next autumn.

Swiss enlargement contribution: 10 country programmes in central and eastern Europe come to a successful close

19.06.2017 — Press releases EDA
The 10-year implementation period for Switzerland’s enlargement contribution to the 10 central and eastern European countries that joined the EU in 2004 came to an end on 14 June 2017. Under the contribution, Parliament approved a total of CHF 1 billion to implement 210 projects which have helped reduce economic and social disparities among broad sections of the population living in the EU. In so doing, Switzerland has demonstrated its solidarity with these countries and has been able to consolidate ties with the new EU member states in a number of areas, including Swiss businesses.

Federal Council adopts dispatch on automatic exchange of information with 41 states and territories

16.06.2017 — Press releases Europa
During its meeting on 16 June 2017, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the introduction of the automatic exchange of financial account information (AEOI) with 41 states and territories. Implementation is planned for 2018, and the first sets of data should be exchanged in 2019. Switzerland is boosting its international position by extending its AEOI network to most of the G20 and OECD states, as well as other important financial centres around the world.

Emissions trading scheme: acquisition of aviation data in 2018

02.06.2017 — Europa
The integration of greenhouse gas emissions from the aviation sector into the emissions trading scheme (ETS) is a necessary step in order to link the Swiss and European schemes. At its session on 2 June 2017 the Federal Council approved the Ordinance governing the acquisition and reporting of data from the aviation sector. In line with the intention of the European Union, it is only domestic flights in Switzerland or flights from Switzerland to member states of the European Economic Area (EEA) that are concerned.

Federal Council adopts dispatch on European Border and Coast Guard

17.05.2017 — Press releases Europa

During its meeting on 17 May 2017, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the adoption and implementation of the EU regulation on the new European Border and Coast Guard Agency. This regulation forms the basis for reinforcing the protection of external borders and returns of illegally staying third-country nationals in the Schengen area.

Visit to Bern by the Danish foreign minister: strengthening exchanges and cooperation between Switzerland and Denmark

03.05.2017 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter met Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen on Wednesday 3 May 2017 during an official visit to Bern. Both countries have expressed the wish to strengthen their exchanges and cooperation, in particular with regard to relations with the EU, security in Europe – specifically within the framework of the OSCE and the Council of Europe – and cooperation at the multilateral level and in the context of Africa.

Object 457 – 468 of 663

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