Health System Strengthening Support Program 2017-2019
With its contribution to the health common fund (PROSAUDE) Switzerland supports the Government of Mozambique, in particular local governments, to accelerate equitable access to primary health services for women, children and people living in rural areas. As chair of the health common fund, Switzerland will advocate increased domestic funding and decentralization in order to foster sustainable and equitable health financing.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Mozambique |
Health |
- 31.12.2019 |
CHF 9’090’000
- Increased efficiency in resources allocation and utilization
- More equity in the access and distribution of maternal and child health services
- An increased contribution from domestic resources to PHC/RMNCH
- More coordinated external financial support to the sector
- The capacity for management of resources at all levels including procurement and logistic of medical supply is improved.
- A sustainable health financing strategy for increased domestic funding from state budget and coordinated external support is established.
- The Strategy for the Inclusion of Gender in the Health Sector from 2009 is updated and an implementation plan exists.
- Reforms are high on the sector agenda, and the commitment was emphasized by the establishment of the decentralization reform unit in 2016 and its action plan.
- In order to mitigate stock outs, pharmaceutical supply and logistics are now more structured and this has resulted in an increase in the percentage of provinces that are able to manage and request medicines timely, from 59% in 2014 to 72% in 2015.
- Policy dialogue and interventions by Ministry of Health (MISAU) with Partners have resulted in improved sector financial tracking and reporting with a quarterly budget execution report available, capacity building in public finance management at provincial reported, in budget execution reporting, financial statements and M&E tools.
- Community involvement and health promotion strategies improved significantly and influenced policy and planning; Structures have since been established to ensure consistent and sustainable community involvement.
- MISAU and its Provincial and District level representation, Ministry of Economics and Finance, Tribunal Administrativo
- Common Fund partners:, Italy, Spain, CIDA-Canada, The Netherlands, Denmark, Irish Aid, Flanders, UNICEF, UNFPA
- Additionally in SWAP: World Bank, DFID, USG, GFATM, Germany, WHO, NGOs,
- P4H
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation HEALTH
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Health policy and administrative management
Cross-cutting topics The partner country is supported in the realisation of its own aims
The project takes account of gender equality as a cross-cutting theme.
The project supports partner organisation improvements as a priority
The project also supports partner organisation improvements
Aid Type Basketpooled multi-donor fund
SDC direct implementation
Technical assistance inclusive experts
Project number 7F03175
Background |
The Mozambican health system remains weak in terms of infrastructure, human resource and information systems capacity. The result is that maternal mortality rate remains very high at 408/100,000 live births although it has gradually decreased by more than 60% over the last two and a half decades[1]. This is still far from reaching the SDG target of 70/100,000 live births. The Health Common Fund (PROSAUDE) was created jointly by the government and other partners and managed by Switzerland in the year 2003. In 2013, a thorough analysis of PROSAUDE II achievements and weaknesses led to a major redesign of PROSAUDE. PROSAUDE III is a revised financing mechanism supporting primary health care with a focus on the local level and supported by a rigorous allocation criteria and a specific joint management unit with stronger flow of funds monitoring. PROSAUDE is an essential mechanism for the nation to achieve its national health related development targets. SDCs important historical role and constant engagement created a unique position for Switzerland: During this phase, Switzerland will chair PROSAUDE, and seize this opportunity to further support the elaboration and implementation of a national health financing strategy with the aim of gradually increasing domestic funding for the sector. [1] UNICEF. 2013. Maternal mortality report 1990-2013. |
Objectives |
To support Mozambique in its efforts to provide more and better essential primary health care services, universally accessible, through a decentralized and strengthened health system |
Target groups |
People resident in Mozambique (more than 21 mio), in particular poor people as well as women and children as main users of primary health care services. |
Medium-term outcomes |
Results |
Expected results: Results from previous phases: |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Project partners |
Contract partner Foreign state institution Implementing partner Central State Authority Other partners |
Coordination with other projects and actors |
Cabo Delgado Health Plan: 7F - 07796.02 Wiwanana: 7F- 06006.02 Social Accountability: 7F-08743.01 PRODEM: 7F-06298.03 LGM: 7F-05704.03
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 9’090’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF 149’100’000 |
Project phases |
Phase 8
- 25.04.2024
Phase 7 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019 (Completed) Phase 6 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016 (Completed) Phase 5 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013 (Completed) Phase 3 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2011 (Completed) |