International Rescue Committee (IRC): Strengthening International Coordination, Local Capacities, and Partnerships in Libya

Project completed

This initiative aims to foster coordination, exchange and partnerships between international aid organisations to strengthen the effectiveness and coherence of aid efforts in Libya, comprising humanitarian access. It further strengthens capacity of local civil society organisations, while promoting inclusion and partnerships.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Humanitarian Assistance & DRR
Protection, access & security
Humanitarian efficiency
01.05.2022 - 30.05.2024
CHF  264’703

2021 saw progress toward stability in Libya subsequent to the 2020 Ceasefire Agreement after a decade of hostilities. The Government of National Unity was sworn-in in March 2021, and many Libyans managed to resume their lives and livelihoods. Also, the humanitarian situation in 2021 showed a tendency towards improvement. Yet, these gains remain fragile, with multiple risks threaten to derail progress made. The postponement of the December 2021 elections plunged Libya into a precarious stalemate of the political process along contested frontlines. Thus, it is anticipated that political turmoil and insecurity continues, while the national capacity to respond to the multitude of challenges remains constrained.

Libya remains also a challenging environment for aid organisations with considerable humanitarian access constraints. The country further transitions currently from humanitarian toward recovery. Thus, this demands amongst others strong coordination and strategic dialogue between aid organisations and Libyan actors, as well as advocacy to influence policy and practice. The Libya INGO Forum (LIF), hosted by the IRC, aims to strengthen these aspects, and to equally foster the voice and partnerships with local actors on the response.

Objectives Promote and strengthen the coordination and exchange of international actors to foster the effectiveness and coherence of aid efforts in Libya, and meet the needs of the communities. Strengthen equally the capacity, voice and inclusion of local civil society organisations, while leveraging partnership.
Target groups
  • Libya INGO Forum (LIF) members (currently 19 international NGOs largely with a humanitarian and early recovery orientation) and observers (11 aid organisations)
  • 5-7 local and national non-governmental organisations (L/NNGOs) and their members through integrated learning and mentoring. 1 L/NNGO will partner with the LIF on the SLCP initiative
  • Humanitarian Country Team (HCT)
Medium-term outcomes
  • Strengthen inter- non-governmental organizations (NGO) operational and policy coordination
  • Foster local and national response capacities, organizational sustainability, inclusion and partnerships

Expected results:  

  • Coordination, exchange and partnerships is fostered between LIF members and external actors on the response, also through monthly meetings and solid information management
  • Advocacy delivered to influence policies and practice on humanitarian concerns and gaps, as well as access, civic space and protection
  • Co-chairing the CSO Coordination Group; cooperation and joint actions strengthened
  • Assessment of local and national NGO’s (L/NNGO’s) organizational sustainability
  • ‘Local Capacities and Partnerships (SLCP) initiative’ developed; about 5-7 L/NNGOs benefit from 4-6 trainings and mentorship benefiting organizational systems

Results from previous phases:  

  • Supported by Switzerland in 2020 and 2021, the LIF provided a critical platform for dialogue and coordination on the humanitarian response, particularly for INGO’s
  • External stakeholders, including donors see the LIF as a key actor within the Libya response
  • The previous support has proven relevant. The need to foster cooperation with local actors was stressed which is considered in this proposal

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
  • International Rescue Committee
  • International Rescue Committee (IRC) - Hosting Agency for the Libya INGO Forum (LIF)

Other partners
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA); European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO)
Coordination with other projects and actors HCT and other relevant humanitarian platform, UNCT, Nexus Working Group and CSOs
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    264’703 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    267’932 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   264’703
Project phases

Phase 1 01.05.2022 - 30.05.2024   (Completed)