President Amherd invited to pay state visit to Portugal

Press releases, 12.12.2024

President Viola Amherd has been invited to pay a state visit to Portugal, which will take place next week. At the meeting with President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Prime Minister Luís Montenegro on Monday, 16 December, discussions will focus on relations between Switzerland and Portugal, European policy, the security situation and global developments.

This is a reciprocal visit after the Portuguese president and prime minister travelled to Switzerland in June. In addition to the official talks, Ms Amherd’s programme in Portugal includes a visit to parliament and a reception hosted by the city of Lisbon.

Switzerland and Portugal enjoy excellent bilateral relations, which are influenced by the large Portuguese community in Switzerland. The approximately 260,000 Portuguese nationals living in Switzerland make up the third largest foreign community in Switzerland, and Portuguese is the second most widely spoken foreign language in the country after English. Conversely, around 7,300 Swiss nationals live in Portugal.

Economic, scientific and cultural relations have also intensified in recent years. In particular, Swiss companies are increasingly present in Portugal. Switzerland is the ninth largest investor with investments totalling around CHF 4.2 billion. There is particularly great potential for even closer exchanges in the areas of research, information and communication technologies, digitalisation and renewable energies.

Further information:

Bilateral relations Switzerland–Portugal

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