Transforming Food Systems

Progetto concluso

The UN Food Systems Summit will take place in autumn 2021 (FSS21). It will be a catalytic moment for public mobilization and actionable commitments to invest in diverse ways in the transformation of food systems towards more sustainability, healthy nutrition, and resilience against climate change and epidemics. Switzerland’s contribution to the FSS21 preparatory process is support to a) a Swiss Sustainable Food Systems Event in Rome; b) the WEF Food Systems Initiative (FSI), c) the FSS21 Special Envoy Secretariat and d) enhanced communication. 

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Agricoltura e sicurezza alimentare
Impiego & sviluppo economico
Politica agricola
Sviluppo agricolo
Sviluppe rurale
15.04.2020 - 31.03.2023
CHF  2’000’000
Contesto Exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, the negative social, ecological and marco-economic consequences of the current unsustainable food systems (FSy) become more and more evident. Scientific evidence shows that it is possible to sustainably produce enough nutritious food for the growing world population. FSy and nutrition patterns is one of the 6 most promising entry points for achieving transformation for sustainable development at the necessary scale and speed. The UN Food Systems Summit in autumn 2021 and its preparatory process shall trigger public mobilization and actionable commitments to accelerate global food systems transformation towards sustainability and resilience.
Obiettivi A strategic and inclusive process between all food systems’ stakeholders enhances critical awareness and contributes to new alliances in support of the global movement and actionable commitments for the transformation towards sustainable food systems at the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 and beyond.
Gruppi target General and interested public on Food Systems related matters: stakeholders ranging from farmers, consumers, private sector, retailers, governments, political leaders, civil society organizations, public institutions (research, UN, development,….) etc..
Effetti a medio termine

1.     Switzerland is recognized as an innovative actor in food systems transformation, and credibly engages in the facilitation or development of normative elements. Swiss knowhow and values, including on agroecological principals and improved nutrition, are successfully taken up in the process towards summit.

2.     Large scale public mobilization and actionable commitments accelerate global food systems transformation.

3.     Successful, inclusive and engaging process towards and UN Food Systems Summit (FSS21).

4.    Effective SDC communication on FSy matters.


Risultati principali attesi:  

1.     Swiss Sustainable Food Systems Event’ (Rome, October 2020)

2.     Strengthened process and effective FSy summit through effective action by Special Envoy Secretariat;
Food Systems Dialogues (FSD) series contribution towards an international consensus on how to pursue food systems transformations
Collective leadership action
through systems thinking, institutional leadership alignment supporting the 2021 Food Systems Summit and series of milestones that can accelerate those actions.
Food Action Alliance as a vehicle to deliver on the aims of major agenda setting processes

3.     Effective Special Envoy Secretariat

4     Effective communication support

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Organizzazione svizzera senza scopo di lucro
Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU)
  • Altra organizzazione svizzera non profit
  • World Food Programme

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori CFS VG FSy&N; CFS PR Agroecology; Lab of tomorrow ‘Food Systems Transformation’.
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    2’000’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    1’879’325
Fasi del progetto

Fase 1 15.04.2020 - 31.03.2023   (Completed)