Blue Peace Index

Progetto concluso

Financial investment in sustainable forms of water cooperation remains limited. Switzerland’s expertise on transboundary water management combined with the Economist Intelligence Unit’s understanding of financial investment bear the unique potential to trigger the change by developing a Blue Peace Index. The aim of such an Index is to increase the awareness on the benefits of cooperation and attracting financial resources for sustainable and resilient investment forms for water cooperation ultimately contributing to a more peaceful and stable society.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Diplomazia e sicurezza dell'acqua
01.11.2018 - 30.06.2024
CHF  760’000
Contesto Worldwide over 40 percent of the population live in transboundary river basins. In order to face the increasing pressure on water resources due to climate change and growing demand with the potential to aggravate conflicts over water resources, an acceleration in strengthening transboundary water cooperation is urgently needed. So far, financial resources for sustainable investment forms for water cooperation remain limited. A thorough assessment of risks and opportunities and an overview of potential solutions will trigger an evidence-based discussion and contribute to enhancing financing cooperation over water resources.
Obiettivi Foster a global conversation on the greatest challenges facing the issue of water, the pressure on transboundary water resources management and support the blue peace movement contributing to better access to water by the local population and more peaceful and stable societies and enhanced economic opportunities by uniquely combining the depth of an independent think tank -the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) - and the breadth of a global media company, The Economist Group.
Gruppi target
  • Private and financial sector: benefitting from a thorough analysis and the presentation of opportunities for sustainable and resilient investment forms for water cooperation;
  • Governments and policy-makers: receiving targeted analysis and potential financial solutions to manage water sustainably in a transboundary context;
  • Civil society and academia: benefitting from a thorough data and assessment and better knowledge on social, environmental and economic risks/ benefits.
  • Network of global stakeholders (multilateral institutions, international organisations, governments etc): increased awareness on the Blue Peace Movement, the benefits of cooperation over transboundary water resources and opportunities for investing in transboundary cooperation.
  • Population living in transboundary river basins: benefitting from a sound basis and potential solutions for more sustainable and equitable access to water resources;
Effetti a medio termine
  1. Policy-makers understand water resource governance priorities and transboundary interdependencies by considering the Blue Peace Index as an innovative global framework.
  2. Global awareness about the growing importance of transboundary water governance is increased and the Blue Peace Movement has gained a reputation as a critical actor in global water diplomacy.
  3. Awareness and understanding of opportunities for private sector investment in sustainable and resilient investment forms for water cooperation is enhanced.
  4. Awareness and understanding of challenges and opportunities is enhanced  and future cooperation and investment is encouraged through tangible examples (Blue Peace Index, Case Studies) of cooperation and investments in transboundary water projects.

Risultati principali attesi:  

  1. A benchmarking index
  2. A series of case studies focusing on concrete river basins
  3. A series of thematic reports that examine how transboundary water relates to broader Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  4. An interactive digital hub to house the research and to enable users to interact with the data and case studies
  5. A suite of marketing and amplification support

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
Economia privata
  • Settore privato straniero Nord

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori Earth Security Group, Geneva Water Hub, Strategic Foresight Group, Présence Suisse, partners of the Blue Peace Initiatives (Blue Peace Central Asia, Blue Peace Middle East), partners from the transboundary hotspot programme (UNECE, IUCN, UNESCO), Pimco/ UNCDF
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    760’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    700’761
Fasi del progetto

Fase 1 01.11.2018 - 30.06.2024   (Completed)