Global Hydrometry Support facility (WMO HydroHub)

Reliable hydro-meteorological observations and forecasts are critical to implement better water resources management practices and policies, and reduce water insecurity. By pursuing its support to the Global Hydrometry Support facility, Switzerland will contribute to improving hydrological services in developing countries. By so doing, SDC will help save lives and trigger economic development derived from increased productivity and reduced asset losses. 

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
A nivel mundial
Preservación de los recursos hídricos
Política del sector del agua
01.09.2021 - 31.08.2026
CHF  2’400’000
Contexto Hydrological services in low- and middle-income countries are struggling to provide reliable, quality-assured hydrological services to meet user demand, and thus the future prosperity and safety of their peoples are at risk. Two thirds of hydrological observation networks in developing countries are reported to be in poor or declining condition. Institutional constraints such as insufficient budgets;  inability to attract, train, and retain qualified staff; limited and often declining hydro-meteorological monitoring networks; or inadequate data management systems; are found to be the main obstacles to effective hydrological services. At the same time innovation in sensor technologies and data processing are presenting opportunities for enhancing observation networks that are not being realized.
Objetivos National Meteorological and Hydrological Services’ (NMHSs) in developing countries ensure effective delivery of hydrological services for disaster risk reduction, social and economic development, and environmental protection.
Grupos destinarios

Primarily: NMHSs (primarily in South Sudan, the Pacific Island Countries and Territories, Nigeria, Cambodia, Lao PDR and the Mekong Basin) but also the private sector (as both solution providers and users of hydrological data), as well as academia (as developers of new technology and providers of hydrometry education and training programs).

To a lesser extent: government officials responsible for budget allocations, donors (to target their investments in a more effective way), and the wider hydromet community such as NGOs and local water users associations (to keep track of hydrometric challenges, successes and developments).

Efectos a medio plazo

1) National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in developing countries and emerging economies, with improved staff technical expertise, sustainably operate enhanced hydromet monitoring systems that demonstrate effective integration of non-traditional data sources, enhancing data management and improved national and international data sharing.

2) NMHSs in developing countries and emerging economies continuously develop and innovate their hydrometric approaches and technologies in collaboration with academia and private sector.

3) NMHSs in developing countries and emerging economies benefit from strengthened internal and external engagements – including for financial support and service provision – through visibility, knowledge sharing and transparency.


Resultados previstos:  

- Technical advisory services are provided to NMHSs;

- Innovation workshops and calls are conducted allowing the operationalization of innovative approaches and technologies;

- Communication and interactions among hydromet monitoring communities are supported;

- Knowledge sharing and support for communication tools and platforms – to disseminate knowledge and lessons learnt from all WMO HydroHub activities and to connect NMHSs with existing networks;

- Ministerial roundtables are organized to convey the comprehensible results and recommendations to ministries responsible for NMHSs budget allocations.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

Previous support achievements include:                

- National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (WHOS) implementation in the La Plata basin and Arctic region, which led to the free and interoperable international exchange of hydromet data in these regions.

-  Progressive implementation of low cost monitoring systems in Afghanistan, Bhutan, Tanzania, Belize and the Indian Himalayan region.

- Conduct of a WMO Global Hydrology Survey to collect information on governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are responsible for operational hydrology within countries, their capabilities, structure, hydrological networks, data-management and hydrological forecasting characteristics.

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU)
  • World Meterological Organization
  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores

Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems  (CREWS) Trust Fund, Adaptation Fund, University Cooperation of Atmospheric Research, WMO Hydrological Observing system, WMO Education and Training Office.

Synergies will be sought with SDC activities in South Sudan and the Mekong region with regard to Climate Change, DRR and Natural Resources Management

Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    2’400’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    1’290’000
Fases del proyecto Fase 1 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2026   (Fase en curso)