Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action in the Andes

This project aims to increasing resilience to disasters through multi-hazard early warning systems and government-led early actions. It will build on experiences in selected watersheds in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, while promoting exchange through a regional and global Community of Practice including Swiss expertise at the forefront of technological alarm systems. The initiative shall serve to influence policies and financing mechanisms necessary to successfully implement anticipatory actions.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Andean Region
Climate change and environment
Disaster risk reduction DRR
Meteorological services
Water sector policy
15.11.2024 - 31.12.2027
CHF  1’800’000
Background Hydrometeorological risks (floods, droughts, etc.) cause frequent disasters in the Andean countries of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, affecting more than half a million people each year. Multihazard early warning systems and early action are key instruments to reliably and cost-effectively protect lives and livelihoods. Despite the progress on Early Warning Systems, little advancement has been achieved regarding Anticipatory Action within governmental frameworks, particularly in Peru and Bolivia leading to a lack of opportunities for local governments to ensure pre-agreed financing. There is an urgent need to support subnational governments in improving early warning systems while supporting the Andean countries commitment to implement government-led early actions at different levels. At the same time, the UN-led Early Warning for All Initiative active in 30 countries globally including Ecuador allows to joining forces with key stakeholders and contributing to the implementation of the National Action Plan in Ecuador. At the forefront of technological alarm systems for gravitational hazards, Swiss expertise shall be mobilized, complementing the regional Community of Practice including the involvement of the Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response to support the region to become more disaster resilient in the long-term.
Objectives Multi-Hazards Early Warning and Early Action (MHEWEA) in Andean countries aim to increase the disaster resilience of vulnerable communities in Andean countries and hence to reduce potential disaster impacts, strengthen preparedness and response capacity of Andean communities.
Target groups

Direct beneficiaries: (i) Technical and decisionmakers from hydrometeorological agencies; (ii) Decision makers for DRR and for the corresponding hazards; (iii) Subnational and local authorities, technical staff and community leaders of the selected watersheds. In Peru: Piura, Rímac and Vilcanota; Ecuador: Chone; Bolivia: La Paz, Beni, Pilcomayo.

Indirect beneficiaries: The population within the initiative system boundaries. In Peru: approx. 367,000 people; in Bolivia approx. 160,000; and in Ecuador: 48,000 people.

Medium-term outcomes
  1. Develop, test and disseminate pilots for MHEWEA, implemented in selected water-sheds in the three countries.
  2. Improve the accessibility and ensure the use of reliable data, mechanisms and technology for effective MHEWS.
  3. Strengthen coordination and collaboration mechanisms among decision makers on MHEWEA at national and subnational levels.
  4. Increase awareness and understanding of MHEWEA through a regional Community of Practice.

Expected results:  

  • Capacities of communities and local stakeholders to implement Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems and elaborate favorable conditions for the application of AA are strengthened.
  • Alert protocols and mechanisms related to Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems are validated and operational in selected territories.
  • Strategic agreements established among decision makers for the alignment of procedures for the joint implementation of MHEWEA.
  • Regional Community of Practice with key stakeholders to enhance and simplify Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action.

Results from previous phases:   The previous initiative Anticipatory Action in the Andes in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador (2021-2024) has confirmed the importance of Early Warning Systems (EWS) and Early Action in these countries as well as its added value of a joint intervention between Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance (ZCRA), Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC) and SDC. An additional small-scale action in Ecuador served to reach actions and knowledge transfer from hands-on experience in Bolivia and Peru. Some results were: (i) despite the progress on EWS, little advancements have been achieved regarding Anticipatory Action in the project’s watersheds; ii) missing inclusion of Early Action within governmental frameworks (in Peru and Bolivia), and its constraints for local governments to ensure pre-agreed financing; (iii) the focus on one hazard confirmed the challenge that authorities might be prepared for that particular hazard, but not for others.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Humanitarian aid
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Foreign private sector South/East

Implementing partner
The present initiative contributes to two global initiatives:
PA1: Contribution to Practical Action part of the Zurich Climate Resilient Alliance, The contract will be with Practical Action, with a subcontract to the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre for technical assistance to develop robust and reliable monitoring systems.
PA2: Contribution to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, implementing the National Plan of the Early Warning for All in Ecuador through the Ecuadorian Red Cross.

Coordination with other projects and actors Initiatives: SDC: ENANDES+ (implemented by WMO with technical support of Meteo Suisse); Governance for Integrated Fire Management in the Andes (GIZ/FAO); Andes Resilientes (Helvetas-Avina), Acceso Financiero para la resiliencia ante desastres (WFP). El Agua Nos Une (CARE). SECO: SECOMPETITIVO, Gestión de Finanzas Públicas.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    1’800’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    141’984 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   5’500’000