South Sudan, UNFPA: Strengthening Prevention of And Response to Gender based Violence (GBV) in South Sudan
The proposed funding ensures the continuation of lifesaving GBV prevention and response services, including Clinical Management of Rape (CMR), Psychosocial Support Services (PSS), Legal Aid, Protection, as well as referrals to livelihood opportunities in two (2) established GBV One Stop Centres (OSCs) and a Safe House (SH) in Wau Western Bahr El Ghazal (WBG) and Kuajok, Warrap State. An outreach office and two mobile teams will be established in one remote area for referrals. Existing community based-groups capacities will be further enhanced. UNFPA will pursue advocacy on key policy reforms related to GBV.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
South Sudan |
Gender Human rights Humanitarian Assistance & DRR nothemedefined
Sexual & gender-based violence
Human rights (incl. Women's rights) Protection, access & security |
- 31.08.2026 |
CHF 1’537’800
- GBV survivors have improved well being due to access to lifesaving, age appropriate and quality GBV services (health, psychosocial support (PSS), legal, protection and incomegeneration) through the OSCs and the safe house
- Community engagement, mobilization and information campaigns improve the protective environment for women and girls from GBV
- The Gender and Human Rights Committee and Women Parliamentarians Caucus demonstrate increased awareness on the Anti GBV Bill and laws related to women’s right to bodily autonomy and integrity
- Two OSCs are functional and provide effective, quality integrated GBV services in Wau and Kuajok and the satellite outreach in Raja
- 450 women survivors receive safety and transit support for social reintegration at the safe house in Wau
- 450 OSC personnel and other service providers demonstrate increased capacities in prevention and delivery of integrated GBV and child abuse response
- Community outreach for awareness-raising on GBV prevention and available services expanded
- Over 150 parliamentarians are aware of and support the Anti-GBV Bill, family law and other gender rights laws.
- UNFPA national implementing partners successfully increased the scale and quality of services to include the establishment and operationalization Kuajok OSC in Warrap State and Wau SH. A total of 1,154 GBV survivors received GBV services (789 at the Wau OSC, 365 in Kuajok) and 48 women and girls sought protection at the Wau Safe House. Overall feedback shows increased confidence in seeking support and satisfaction in the services provide.
- Through established Community Action Groups (CAGs), the community awareness and outreach increased, reaching a total of more than 15,250 (8,620 in Wau, and 11,882 in Kuajok) community members with GBV information, services, and prevention messages over the last phase. More than 26 community dialogues were conducted to raise awareness.
- The project in itself continues to provide critical services that will be needed for a long time. Despite lack of resources to commit, the government is playing its role in providing leadership and support for OSCs. For this reason, it is crucial to continue funding the Programme, focusing on consolidating existing services and improving quality of services as well as capacities of staff.
- United Nations Population Fund
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Ending violence against women and girls
Human rights
Material relief assistance and services
Cross-cutting topics Human rights
The project also supports partner organisation improvements
Aid Type Project and programme contribution
Project number 7F10050
Background | South Sudan continues to face unprecedented and persistent humanitarian crisis. Reports of physical violence, rape and other forms of GBV towards women and girls are pervasive. The South Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) for 2023, estimates that 2.8 million people, with majority women and girls are at risk of GBV, including Conflict Related Violence (CRSV), representing a nine percent increase compared to 2022 estimates. An overall analysis of GBV trend shows a constant increase between 2019 and 2023. |
Objectives | The overall goal of the project is to reduce acceptance of GBV through provision of survivor centred GBV response services, improve the capacity of state institutions, and communities in supporting survivors to break the silence against GBV. |
Target groups | 150,000 Women and girls, men and boys at risk of GBV and/or are GBV survivors, with specific focus on the survivors facing multiple discrimination, such as persons with disability, elderly, child survivors, persons living with HIV/AIDS. |
Medium-term outcomes |
Results |
Expected results: Results from previous phases: |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Project partners |
Contract partner United Nations Organization (UNO) Other partners The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA), Nile Hope and The Organisation for Children’s Harmony (TOCH) (national implementing partners) |
Coordination with other projects and actors | The project have strong synergies with the South Sudan Protection Cluster, South Sudan Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender Child and Social Welfare, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Interior. |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 1’537’800 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 759’200 |
Project phases | Phase 2 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2026 (Current phase) |