Refugees and internally displaced persons – humanitarian aid and protection of civilians

The SDC provides support for refugees and internally displaced persons. It deploys experts to the field and provides NGOs and international humanitarian agencies with funding. It also works with local authorities.

SDC focus

A major part of the SDC's humanitarian aid programmes involves providing guidance and support for refugees and internally displaced persons.

Three quarters of all refugees are concentrated in developing countries, which do not have the means to support large numbers of them or offer them effective protection. Those arriving by sea – known as boat people – can neither continue their journey nor return home. Their illegal status exposes them to threats of physical violence, theft, rape and human trafficking.

Unlike refugees, internally displaced persons have not crossed any international border, but rather have been forced to flee within their own country. As a result, they find themselves under the responsibility of the government and local authorities concerned, which are not always able or willing to exercise their responsibilities in this regard.  In such cases the international community provides them with protection in the form of direct aid, or by creating an appropriate legal framework.


The SDC's immediate response to migratory movements triggered by a crisis takes the form of emergency assistance and reconstruction. But the complex, global phenomenon of migration requires many other kinds of response.

Deployment of experts

Humanitarian aid can come in a number of forms, including the deployment of experts to protect victims of armed conflict, support for local authorities and even the distribution of cash to host families taking in refugees, so that they can provide them with better living conditions.

The SDC makes experts from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) available to the UNHCR. The UNHCR benefited from the services of SHA specialists in a variety of sectors, including water and sanitation, law and the construction of shelters. In 2016, 24 SHA experts carried out missions for the UNHCR in 14 countries in Africa, Asia, South America and the Middle East.

The SDC's involvement is thus based on an interdepartmental approach, «Protection in the region». The aim of this approach is to provide prompt and effective protection for refugees in their region of origin and to help the countries of first refuge to guarantee the protection they require. The SDC’s commitment in the Horn of Africa and in the Middle East – two contexts with a significant number of displaced populations – reflects this approach.

Rebuilding beyond the crisis

A growing phenomenon

Instability in many parts of the world causes hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homeland. The UNHCR estimates that almost 61.4 million people – refugees, stateless persons, persons displaced internally by conflicts or wishing to return home – will require its protection and assistance in 2016.

Involvement in Syria

Switzerland has been providing humanitarian aid and protection for population groups affected by the Syrian crisis since 2011. The SDC provides them with assistance through direct operations carried out by the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) and through substantial financial contributions to the multilateral aid efforts of the International Committee of the Red Cross, UN agencies and NGOs on the ground.

Switzerland's commitment in Syria

Middle East

Current projects

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Save the Children, Building Inclusive Resilience and Durable Solutions for forcibly displaced populations and vulnerable groups in Yobe State

01.12.2024 - 30.11.2027

Finding durable solutions for up to five hundred thousand current and formerly displaced persons (IDPs)  in Yobe State, Northeast Nigeria, is a critical step towards lasting peace and development in the region. This project, which is part of a multi-pronged SDC support to local authorities, will contribute to facilitate local  integration  and  return  of  IDPs  by  enhancing  agricultural  productivity,  providing  livelihood  and employment opportunities, strengthening community disaster risk reduction, and access to justice.   

RCA, OIM, Appui au Retour et à la Réintégration des Personnes Déplacées Internes à Bossangoa, 2024 - 2025

01.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

La Suisse apporte une contribution ciblée à l’Organisation internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) pour appuyer le retour et l’intégration locale des déplacés internes à Bossangoa au nord-ouest de la République centrafricaine (RCA). Cette contribution visera à construire des logements familiaux, à faciliter l’accès à des infrastructures sociales de base fonctionnelles et à appuyer le relèvement socio-économique des groupes vulnérables de la population afin de renforcer la cohésion et la coexistence dans cette région encore fragile.

Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees

01.12.2024 - 31.12.2027

Today, most migrants and refugees find protection and opportunities in cities, and cities are at the forefront of fostering inclusive communities. The Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees al-lows for cities’ innovative ideas to foster migrants’ contribution to the sustainable development of their host cities. The project follows the IC strategy’s thematic priority on migration, strengthening cooperation with local actors, and builds on SDCs leading engagement in urban migration.

Food security and livelihood assistance to conflict-affected populations in Northeast Nigeria

15.09.2024 - 31.08.2027

Food insecurity and malnutrition remain prevalent across Northeast Nigeria, driven by insecurity leading to displacement and lack of access to farmland. This is further compounded since 2023 by soaring inflation. The situation is affecting up to 4.8 million food insecure people in 2024. SDC’s continued funding to FAO seeks to further strengthen the resilience of crisis-affected people by sustainably improving their food production and productivity with a particular focus on women.

FAIRWAY - Interregional Programme to promote decent work for migrant workers from Africa to the Arab States

01.09.2024 - 31.05.2028

Decent work for low-income migrant workers in the Middle East is promoted, in sectors particularly prone to forced labor and exploitation, affecting increasingly African workers. Through improved services, access to justice and representation, migrant workers have their rights protected. Interregional and regional cooperation is promoted for improved labor migration governance and safe migration, thereby enhancing the development benefits for countries of origin and destination.

Enhanced Protection and Support to the Most Vulnerable Children, notably Refugee Children, in Lebanon

16.08.2024 - 15.08.2027

Children of all nationalities in Lebanon are affected by the country’s multifaceted crisis and collapse of public services. They face heightened risks of abuse, exploitation and violence, and of getting in contact or even in conflict with the law. Specific groups like refugee children are particularly at risk of seeing their rights violated. Through this project, NGOs and UNICEF will jointly enhance the protection of children from violence by providing them with crucial legal and protection services and by improving the child-friendliness of the justice system (nexus).

Appui à l'insertion professionnelle et socioéconomique de jeunes guinéens afin de limiter les risques liés à la migration irrégulière

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

Ce projet de l'OIM soutient le renforcement de la qualité de la formation socio-professionnelle de jeunes guinéens, leur orientation professionnelle et leur insertion sur le marché du travail. Avec les fonds flexibles migration, la DDC appuie les autorités guinéennes et le secteur privé à réduire le chômage des jeunes et à leur offrir des perspectives professionnelles au niveau national.

Safer Migration project (SaMi)

16.07.2024 - 15.07.2028

Labour migration is a central pillar of the Nepalese economy, remittances contributing to more than 20% of the GNI. According to the Constitution of Nepal (2015) foreign labour migration should be made safe and beneficial. To this end, Switzerland will continue to support the three spheres (federal, provincial and local) of the Government of Nepal through the pioneering Safer Migration project (SaMi) exit phase, aiming at institutionalising, professionalising and upscaling migration services offered across the country.

Kenya: Empowering refugees and host communities in Dadaab through market-led solutions (EMPOWER)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028

The project envisages to unlock the potential of displacement-affected communities (DACs) by providing access to capital, skills development, market opportunities and entrepreneur-friendly policies. The project aims to deliver on long-term economic growth, self-reliance and decreased dependency of DACs on aid. This sustainable approach offers a pathway out of poverty and towards thriving entrepreneurial livelihoods in Kenya.

Protection and emergency care for vulnerable and unaccompanied minors

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025

The number of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina remains high with more than 10% of them being unaccompanied minors in need of essential care and special protection due to their vulnerabilities. As the state system is not yet able to fully address their needs, assistance from external actors remains crucial to provide the much-needed support to this vulnerable group of migrants and to safeguard their rights.

Strengthened and Informative Migration Systems (SIMS) Phase II

01.04.2024 - 31.03.2029

Switzerland is interested in ensuring that international migration is regular, secure, respects human dignity and the rights of migrants. The project will institutionalise well tested awareness mechanisms on the perils of irregular migration and enhance further public and private capacities to deliver services to potential migrants. The intervention contributes to Switzerland’s dialogue on safe, orderly and regular migration at national and global levels.

Lebanon Direct Action - Bekaa Water Management Programme (BWMP)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

By improving water infrastructures and implementing evidence-based management at the Bekaa Water Establishment, continuous access to water will be provided to the population in the Bekaa. This project implemented as a direct Swiss humanitarian action will improve the health and well-being of the population, particularly the most vulnerable. 

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