Strengthening health systems – Health coverage for all

Children under five and women living in remote regions benefit from better access to medical treatment thanks to Switzerland's efforts in the realm of family medicine. © SDC

Good governance and the efficient management of resources are key factors in a well-functioning health sector. The SDC promotes the strengthening of health care systems in developing and transition countries. Switzerland strives to promote universal health coverage through its activities both to establish social protection mechanisms and to advocate for access to quality health care for the most vulnerable. 

SDC focus

Financing health

The SDC's support for health sector reforms in its partner countries is based on a thorough analysis of the prevailing political, economic and social contexts. Its aim: to guarantee access to quality health services for the poorest.

A combination of research and action enables the SDC to encourage the development of innovative financing and payment mechanisms for health services. Its interventions are always aligned with national policies and priorities, and implemented in direct cooperation with its governmental, non-governmental and private partners in the health sector. This approach seeks to develop a form of social protection capable of preventing the most vulnerable members of society from plunging into poverty as a result of their expenditure on health-related problems. SDC projects focus on the public sector and providing support to public-private partnerships. 

Governance and participation

The SDC promotes efforts to establish better governance in the health sector and supports both governmental and non-governmental actors in this objective as they strive to develop a culture of accountability, wage war on corruption and achieve transparency in the allocation and utilisation of resources.

At the community level, the SDC supports health promotion initiatives which involve marginalised and disadvantaged population groups. All users are encouraged to participate in the management and follow-up of health services as this helps reduce access barriers to care and leads to better health outcomes. This process of social empowerment enables users to know and assert their rights, and allows health care professionals to better respond to the needs of the population by offering quality care.

Determinants of health

The health of individuals and communities depends on a multitude of economic, social, cultural and environmental factors. SDC projects give priority to cooperation and coordination between different sectors (water, agriculture, education, etc.) in order to influence the various factors that constitute "determinants of health". Its activities also aim to encourage behavioural change and ensure that the poorest of the poor can exercise their right to health.

The SDC cooperates with other federal departments and offices such as the Human Security Division (HSD) and the FDFA's Sectoral Foreign Policies Division, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).


Faced with growing populations in the low-income countries and the ageing of the global population, establishing efficient and equitable health systems is a priority. However, health care systems in a large number of countries suffer from a lack of investment and poor management of the available resources, with services relying too heavily on external funding. As a result, infrastructure, technologies and equipment are lacking, and there is an acute shortage of qualified health workers. Furthermore, the absence of social protection mechanisms forces patients to cover a large part of the costs themselves, thereby exacerbating the inequalities in access to care. At the end of the day, the economic consequences of a poor health care system are hindering development in the countries concerned.

In its position on health for the post-2015 agenda, Switzerland aspires to maximise health for all in all life stages. The long-term objective is to achieve universal health coverage and take coordinated action on the social, economic, cultural and environmental determinants of health. After all, the conditions in which people are born, raised and work have an impact on their state of health. Adopting an approach to health that involves other sectors such as water, sanitation, education and food security is therefore absolutely essential to overcoming inequalities.


Swiss Contributions to Human Resources for Health Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, complete study (PDF, 102 Pages, 934.0 kB, English)

Swiss Contributions to Human Resources for Health Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, summary (PDF, 6 Pages, 3.3 MB, English)

Qualitative research on foreign health personnel in Switzerland and their recruitment (PDF, 635.5 kB, German)

WHO Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property: the Contribution of Switzerland (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Human Resources for Health Development in Low- and Middle- Income Countries Health Brief (PDF, 4 Pages, 274.3 kB, English)

Health despite poverty: a SDC-Sponsored project changes people's perspective Central Asia Project Briefing (PDF, 4 Pages, 898.0 kB)

Healthcare for remote regions: an SDC project in Kyrgyzstan sets the standard Central Asia Project Briefing (PDF, 4 Pages, 809.4 kB)

Article on family doctors in Bosnia and Herzegovina (PDF, 1 Page, 54.7 kB, German)

Lessons learned from evaluations on community participation and civil society involvement in health (PDF, 291.8 kB, English)

Current projects

Object 1 – 12 of 995

BF98_AH - Protection intégrée

30.09.2024 - 30.04.2026

Les populations dèplacèes internes au Burkina Faso, en particulier les femmes et les filles, sont exposès à des violations de leurs droits. Afin de contribuer à la protection de ces populations vulnèrables, la Suisse soutient le projet de protection intègrèe. Le projet vise à rèpondre à l’urgence et à appuyer les acteurs locaux (Etat, associations et communautès) dans la prise en charge des victimes et à rèduire leur vulnèrabilitè en leur donnant des moyens de subvenir à leurs besoins.

Public Service Improvement (PSI) in the Kyrgyz Republic

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028

To improve people's quality of life, municipalities need to deliver efficiently and effectively services such as safe drinking water, waste collection, cultural facilities in a socially inclusive and gender responsive manner. In rural Kyrgyzstan, their capacities still need to be improved in a sustainable way. To achieve this, the project will develop the municipalities' support system which shall then provide adequate counseling and training to those municipalities today and in the long run.

Promoting efficient, affordable and clean cooling for everyone (PEACCE)

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028

The Promoting Efficient, Affordable and Clean Cooling for Everyone (PEACCE) project contributes to mobilising global support and political will for scaling up sustainable cooling solutions in sub-Saharan Africa by supporting the Sustainable Cooling programme of the Sustainable Energy for All organisation. With its support, Switzerland aims to leverage its experience in passive cooling and nature-based cooling solutions both within sub-Saharan Africa and globally.

Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine 2 (PFRU-2)

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2027

The Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU) unites eight development partners (UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia and the Netherlands) and the Government of Ukraine to strengthen communities and government legitimacy through improved services, economic recovery and strengthened civil society. With its contribution, Switzerland can shape the development and deployment of an innovative multi-donor financing instrument in Ukraine to support its resilience and early recovery.

Participation citoyenne et prévention des conflits au Burundi (PCPC)

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2026

Au Burundi, le système politique ne permet pas un espace suffisant pour la participation citoyenne inclusive, la redevabilité et le respect des droits humains, ce qui rend difficile la prévention et la gestion des conflits. Par cette intervention la Suisse contribue à l’instauration progressive de pratiques démocratiques promouvant un environnement favorable à la participation citoyenne et l’opérationnalisation des mécanismes de gestion des conflits au niveau communautaire, ce qui a un impact positif sur la consolidation/capitalisation de la paix et la cohésion sociale.

Capacity Building for Low Carbon and Climate Resilient City Development in India (CapaCITIES)

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2026

India’s 8000+ cities contribute to more than 70% of its GHG emissions and are highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The CapaCITIES exit phase will consolidate results of the Ph. 1 and 2 of the Indo-Swiss collaboration on low carbon and climate resilient urban development, support institutionalisation for autonomous implementation of Net-Zero Climate Resilient City Action Plans by cities, and disseminate and upscale results at the national level.

Appui à l'insertion professionnelle et socioéconomique de jeunes guinéens afin de limiter les risques liés à la migration irrégulière

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

Ce projet de l'OIM soutient le renforcement de la qualité de la formation socio-professionnelle de jeunes guinéens, leur orientation professionnelle et leur insertion sur le marché du travail. Avec les fonds flexibles migration, la DDC appuie les autorités guinéennes et le secteur privé à réduire le chômage des jeunes et à leur offrir des perspectives professionnelles au niveau national.

Social Cohesion and Peace Initiative, Phase 1

15.07.2024 - 31.12.2025

Social cohesion in Moldova is weak, with low levels of intergroup contact and civic engagement. Divisions run largely along political lines and have deepened since the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Fostering constructive dialogue is essential for building social cohesion and resilience. The project aims at creating opportunities for young and elderly people to become more active in community processes, while addressing dividing lines within the Moldovan society and paving the way for inclusive nation-building and sustainable peace.

République démocratique du Congo (RDC): Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation (TPO) Protection des enfants et des femmes

15.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

Les conflits armés à l’est de la RDC continuent à engendrer des violations graves des droits de l’enfant et de la femme, y compris les violences basées sur le genre, le recrutement forcé et le manque d’accès à l’éducation. Par le biais de mécanismes et structures communautaires et de gouvernance locale, ce projet vise à identifier les principaux problématiques de protection, y apporter une assistance et contribuer à leur résolution.

République démocratique du Congo (RDC) MEDAIR : Réponse multisectorielle d’urgence (en santé, nutrition, EHA) en faveur des populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits et les épidémies au Nord Kivu et Ituri

15.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

La crise humanitaire à l’est de la RDC est liée à la persistance des conflits armés et intercommunautaires, aux épidémies et à la faible gouvernance, entrainant des besoins humanitaires aigus depuis trois décennies. Grâce à cette intervention en santé primaire et secondaire, nutrition, eau, hygiène et assainissement, la Suisse contribue à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité des personnes affectées par les conflits, tout en renforçant leur résilience face aux futures maladies.

Armenia: Early Recovery after Floods 2024 (Direct Action)

08.07.2024 - 31.12.2025

Heavy rainfall in May 2024 led to flooding in Northern Armenia, four casualties, temporary displacement of 2’400 persons and considerable damage on public and private infrastructure. A Rapid Response Team of Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA) assessed structural engineering (bridges, roads) damages. Based on that assessment, the proposed SHA Direct Action supports early recovery efforts in Armenia with pedestrian bridges, an event analysis and engineering advice.

Single-phase project: Enhancing Peace and Economic Prosperity through Women's Leadership and Inclusion (Women for Peace & Prosperity)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028

In line with the priorities of the Governments of Moldova and Switzerland, the project aims to socially and economically empower women, including refugee women from Ukraine, increase their participation in decision-making and the workforce, promote their entrepreneurial activities, and finally contribute to a just, equal, inclusive and resilient society and economy in Moldova. The project will promote gender-responsive policies and initiatives to address key barriers to women's socio-economic inclusion.

Object 1 – 12 of 995