AfDB - SDC Partnership on enhancing the Bank’s fragility and conflict sensitivity

Project completed

Based on its Ten-year Strategy, the Bank will strengthen its engagement in fragile and conflict affected coun­tries/situations which is also a priority in Switzerland’s development bill 2013-16. This partnership will assist the Bank in building the necessary capacities and instruments to translate fragility concepts and approaches into more effective operations on the ground.  Other outcomes will be a new diagnostic tool “Country Resil­ience and Fragility Assessment (CRFA)” and strengthened capacities in the Bank and in 30 African countries.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Conflict & fragility
Conflict prevention and transformation
Conflict prevention
Security system management and reform
01.01.2015 - 31.12.2022
CHF  5’500’000

Fragility and conflict affected or post-conflict countries are still a major impediment of econo­mic development and poverty reduction in Africa. Research shows that cyclical state and social fragility, conflicts and/or violence can occur in any country, even those with seemingly strong and stable institutions. It is therfore essential that programs and operations in such countries are designed and implemente in a fragility and conflict-sensitive manner.


Enhanced and effective engagements by AfDB in countries and regions in fragile situations for achieving greater development outcome and building resilient societies.

Target groups

The main beneficiaries include Bank staff and management, Regional Member Countries and their personnel (government and non-government), AfDB’s engagements / operations at country and regional level as well as Partner Organizations.

Medium-term outcomes

Outcome I:  Improved ability to detect, assess, analyze and forecast risks and drivers of fragility and conflict through the systematic use of a new diagnostic instrument.  Lessons and knowledge fed into peer-to-peer learning events and RMC policy directions.

Outcome II:  Mainstreamed the use of data and knowledge generated through the implementation of the new tool/s, to better inform Bank Group operations and programs in countries and regions affected by fragility, in particular, also in areas of fragility which so far were not really studied (fragility analysis at the sector or thematic level).

Outcome III:  Developed and improved capacities and skills in the Bank, Regional Member Countries (RMCs), local communities, and regional organizations, with particular attention to gender representation.



Expected results:  

Elaboration and field testing of a diagnostic tool “Country Resilience and Fragility Assessment (CRFA)” and implementation in 30 countries.

Training of 410 Bank staff (at HQs and in field offices) and about 300 personnel in countries (government and non-government) and regional institutions on fragility concepts and applying of a ‘fragility lens’ in project design and implementation.

Publication of two flagship reports and implementation of four annual regional peer-to-peer learning events on dissemination of experience with the new diagnostic tool (CRFA) and the application of a ‘fragility lens’.


Results from previous phases:  

There was no previous phase.

This is a single phase for the period of four years (2015-2018)


Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International Financial Institution (IFI)
  • African Development Bank (other)

Coordination with other projects and actors

Other Multilateral Development Banks (like World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Dev. Bank), the World Bank Fragility Hub in Nairobi, OECD-INCAF, United Nations and African Union.

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    5’500’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    5’141’169
Project phases

Phase 1 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2022   (Completed)