Contribution to the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR) and the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)

The Global Education Monitoring Report and the International Institute for Educational Planning contribute to ensure equitable, inclusive quality education for all (SDG 4) by producing rigorous evidence, data and recommendations on education and by strengthening education systems’ policies, planning and management. Their work is critical for SDC’s global and bilateral policy dialogue and Switzerland’s added value on systems strengthening and evidence based policy and practice.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Education policy
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
CHF  8’900’000
Background Access to quality education and the funding of SDG 4 have been severely hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Challenges in education systems planning and governance as well as the lack of evidence based research and sound data are among the bottlenecks of performing and inclusive education. In line with Switzerland’s Strategy for International Cooperation 2021-2024, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR) play a crucial role to achieve SDG 4 through analysis and monitoring of education data, evidence-based research as well as capacity building and support for education planning and management. The work of GEMR and IIEP are complementary and nourish Switzerland’s global and bilateral policy dialogue and evidence based programming.

GEMR: GEM report evidence and recommendations are used to move education systems, plans, policies and budgets towards achieving SDG 4.

IIEP: Strengthened capacity of UNESCO member states to plan and manage their education systems.

Target groups

GEMR: Policy makers in education and finance, planners, policy analysts, development agencies, foundations, UN bodies, NGOs, teachers, experts, researchers, media and students.

IIEP: Ministries of Education in UNESCO Member States, academia, technical education experts, foundations, NGOs, civil society groups, including teacher unions.

Indirect target groups: Children, youth and adults who benefit from improved access to quality education.

Medium-term outcomes

GEMR: Synthesised, analysed and clearly presented comparative data and recommendations are used to inform the global, regional and national education communities on progress towards SDG 4 and to stimulate reflection and dialogue.

IIEP: 1. UNESCO Member States develop their capacity to plan and manage effectively for education sector development. 2. Member States access and use actionable knowledge on educational planning and management.

SDC's objectives: 1. Enhanced knowledge and capacity of SDC HQ, SCOs and Education Network members on SDG 4 progress and inequalities (including related to gender, wealth, ethnicity, location and other LNOB-criteria) and on state of the art research, evidence and discourse in education. / 2. Strengthened dialogue with UNESCO IIEP on education systems coherence and interlinkages between compulsory and post-compulsory education, particularly between basic education and technical and vocational education and training (TVET), as well as on enhanced education systems resilience and nexus approaches. / 3. Synergies between IIEP and SDC country offices facilitated for enhanced global-bilateral complementarity where feasible. / 4. Synergies between IIEP, GEMR and other partners of the SDC Education partner portfolio actively promoted namely with GPE, UNESCO IBE, NORRAG and where relevant with the Geneva Hub for Education in Emergencies.


Expected results:  

GEMR: 1. High quality and relevant research, compiling, synthesising and analysing latest evidence and data in education with emphasis on learning, equity and gender. / 2. Key findings, clear messages and global communication and outreach outputs developed to support regional and national policy and programmes. / 3. Partnerships and peer learning mechanisms as a basis for dialogue to influence change in education policies towards international education targets.

IIEP: 1. Effective educational planning and management at central and local levels / 2. Evidence-informed education policy and reform / 3. Better management for improved learning / 4. Enhanced emphasis on inclusion and equity in education policies and programmes / 5. Effective country-level systems and mechanisms to promote skills development / 6. Enhanced capacities to reduce risks and manage crises in education / 7. Enhanced governance, regulatory, and ethical frameworks for multi-stakeholder delivery of education / 8. Improved implementation and practice through monitoring & evaluation / 9. Better managed education workforce for effective delivery of education / 10. Enhanced technical dialogue between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance.

Results from previous phases:  

GEMR: 1. Production and publication of 17 high quality annual reports between 2002-2021, and 46 policy papers / 2. International recognition of the report firmly established within the international education architecture / 3. Launch of different online SDG 4 monitoring tools (‘World lnequality Database on Education’, ‘Scoping Progress in Education’ and ‘Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews’) / 4. Annual organizations of the launch of the report in Switzerland and dissemination.

IIEP: 1. Over 30‘000 people trained, thanks to a great increase in the distance training offer / 2. 46 countries supported through technical cooperation, of which 40 are least developed countries / 3. 27% of technical cooperation projects were gender responsive / 4. Increase by 30% in crisis-sensitive activities since 2018 / 5. Bilateral collaboration with SDC offices in Jordan, Benin and Chad.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • Schweizerische UNESCO-Kommiss
  • - Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR), hosted by UNESCO - UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)

Coordination with other projects and actors

GEMR: UNESCO and its specialized institutes (IIEP, International Bureau of Education (IBE)), NORRAG, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), GPE, Réseau Suisse Éducation et Cooperation Internationale (RECI).

IIEP: UNESCO (GEMR, IBE), GPE, NORRAG, Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    8’900’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    4’600’000
Project phases Phase 1 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025   (Current phase)