One World 2/2020

Series Un seul monde
Publication number 2/2020
Month 5
Publication year 2020
Pages 44
Price free
Languages German, French, Italian
Un seul monde 2/2020
(PDF, 44 Pages, 10.8 MB, French)

A forgotten time bomb: Mental illness can increase poverty, shorten lives and hamper the development of entire countries. Yet the issue is still neglected in international cooperation. Why this is the case and why there is hope after all is illustrated by experiences in three very different countries.

'One World' is now available online in English

The final 2019 edition of 'One World' is also the first digital version of the magazine. The new platform delivers thought-provoking multimedia content covering a range of development topics. The PDF is available in German, French and Italian only, but a digital version is now available in English as well. 

Explore the English version of 'One World' online
