Switzerland’s performance compared with other countries

Official development assistance (ODA) from member countries of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) totalled USD 223 billion in 2023, an increase of 1.6% in real terms over 2022. This represents the fifth consecutive record-breaking year-on-year increase in ODA. This increase is mainly due to aid to Ukraine, humanitarian aid and contributions to international organisations.

Five countries exceeded the United Nations' ODA as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) target of 0.7%: Norway, Luxembourg, Sweden, Germany and Denmark. ODA by DAC member countries amounted to 0.37% of their combined GNI in 2023. The average country effort was 0.44%.

Switzerland's ODA/GNI ratio reached 0.6% in 2023, compared to 0.56% in 2022. Asylum costs represented 28% of Switzerland's ODA. Excluding asylum costs, Switzerland's ODA/GNI ratio stood at 0.43% in 2023 (0.4% in 2022).

Switzerland ranked 8th among all DAC member countries in terms of its ODA/GNI ratio. In 2023, Switzerland's ODA/GNI ratio was above the average of the DAC-EU countries' ODA/GNI ratio (0.53%). In terms of financial volume, the largest contributions came from the United States, followed by Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and France, with Switzerland ranking 11th in this regard.