Program for the Support of Electoral Processes in Tunisia (PSPET) – Phase II
The program contributes to outcome 1.2 of the SDC’s 2017-2020 strategy. This intermediary phase of the program would contribute to leverage the resilience of independent electoral authorities for the successful organization of the 2019 national elections and beyond and strengthen citizen engagement in decision making through effective outreach and civic education. It would also permit for a closer assessment of the field to prepare for the phasing out of the program moving forward.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Tunisia |
Governance Human rights
Democratic participation and civil society Human rights (incl. Women's rights) |
- 29.02.2020 |
CHF 1’520’000
- Other international or foreign NGO North
- Foreign private sector North
- United Nations Development Programme
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Elections
Democratic participation and civil society
Human rights
Cross-cutting topics Human rights
The project supports partner organisation improvements as a priority
Aid Type Project and programme contribution
Technical assistance inclusive experts
Project number 7F09262
Background | Tunisia’s transition to democracy has been volatile oscillating between democratic gains and power struggles that has been slowing down its moving forward to good governance and the rule of law. Nevertheless, the democratic process proved largely resilient so far. This in part thanks to the international community’s support and to a vibrant civil society that is playing a key watchdog role on the ground. The year 2018 was marked by a confrontation between the presidency of the Republic and the head of government on the repositioning of political forces in view of the legislative and presidential elections of 2019. This conflict was accopanied by internal governance crises at the level of the ISIE. |
Objectives | Contribute to the consolidation of democratic governance in Tunisia. |
Target groups |
Direct beneficiaries: The ISIE and its 33 regional independent commissions for elections (IRIEs), the HAICA, the Administrative Tribunal and the Court of Accounts, the public with special focus on women, youth and other vulnerable groups eligible to vote and to run for elections. Indirect beneficiaries: The public at large, Journalists, national and international observers, constitutional bodies and different Ministries, civil society organizations. |
Medium-term outcomes |
O1: Electoral authorities are more resilient and the 2019 elections are held successfully in a credible and impartial way. O2: The public, especially youth, women, and vulnerable groups, have an increased understating, trust in the electoral process, and engage actively in the 2019 elections cycle. O3: A baseline on national civil society’s capacity to monitor the credibility and impartiality of the electoral process in established. |
Results |
Expected results: (1) Improved technical and operational capacity of electoral authorities to hold credible and successful 2019 elections. (2) Increased voter information on the electoral process made available for all citizens. (3) Increased civic engagement through an educated electorate. (4) A field assessment of the key axes of intervention for phase III (exit phase) of PSPET. Results from previous phases: The lessons learnt from SDC’s support to the electoral process since 2011 led to the design of the PSPET for 7 years with its first phase extending from 2015 to 2019. The key results were the following: (1) successful 2011, 2014 and 2018 elections were organized; (2) electoral legal frameworks in line with international standards were designed and applied; (3) the election management body became institutionally stronger at the central as well as at the regional levels; and (4) women, youth and the illetrate’s active participation in public life and decision making during electoral cycles singficantly increased thanks to targeted innovative voter information and education initiatives. |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Project partners |
Contract partner International or foreign NGO Private sector United Nations Organization (UNO) |
Coordination with other projects and actors | With PACT, there is an opportunity to capitalize on youth’s civic engagement through PSPET to nurture the local dynamics to be created by youth in PACT’s targeted regions. Once the program PSPET closes up, there is an opportunity to carry on support to electoral authorities through TRUST if need be. In the course of next year, complementary initiatives are likely to receive support through contributions by HSD and the global credit. Possible synergies could be as well established with donors working on the electoral process (the U.S., Germany, the EU and Canada). |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 1’520’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 1’417’750 |
Project phases |
Phase 3
- 31.12.2024
Phase 2 01.12.2018 - 29.02.2020 (Completed) Phase 1 01.11.2015 - 31.10.2021 (Completed) |