Crisis in the Near East

Switzerland is concerned about the situation in the Near East. It calls on all parties to protect the civilian population and respect international humanitarian law.  Stopping the violence and de-escalating the conflict are top priorities.

In view of the dramatic humanitarian consequences of the conflict, Switzerland has allocated an additional CHF 90 million in humanitarian aid, CHF 81 million of which will go to the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the rest to the region. The funds will go to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the United Nations and Swiss non-governmental organisations. These organisations offer shelter and protection to the people affected, provide them with basic foodstuffs, medicines and hygiene products, and are active in the field of water and sanitation.

Active for several decades in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the SDC is committed to responding to humanitarian needs. It also supports the economic and social development of the population.


In the Near East, Switzerland's approach is anchored in the vision set out in the UN Security Council resolutions: two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and within secure and recognised borders. In this context, Switzerland supports inclusive dialogue, the promotion of human rights and respect for international law. 

The humanitarian aid Switzerland provides, based on fundamental humanitarian principles, aims to protect the lives and health of human beings. With its development support, Switzerland promotes innovation and the creation of job opportunities for young people in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Switzerland is committed to women's rights and greater gender equality.

Map of the occupied Palestinian territory

The Near East conflict is situated in a shifting regional landscape and faces major obstacles to its resolution. As such, it remains a fundamental factor shaping Switzerland's engagement. In this context, Switzerland supports inclusive dialogue and promotes human rights and respect for international law. The humanitarian aid it provides, founded on fundamental principles, aims to protect people's lives and health. Switzerland also provides support for overall development that helps to create opportunities and decent and sustainable livelihoods. 

Switzerland is convinced that economic opportunities for young people will contribute to regional stability. It is therefore deploying its expertise to support the potential for innovation in the occupied Palestinian territory by increasing cooperation with the private sector. Switzerland is committed to women's rights and greater gender equality.

Its cooperation programme is aligned with the Swiss International Cooperation Strategy 2021-24 (IC) and the Middle East and North Africa Strategy 2021-24. 

Conflict prevention and peacebuilding

Switzerland is helping to improve the conditions for the resumption of a genuine dialogue between all parties with a view to a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. It facilitates spaces for dialogue between communities, political and religious figures and decision-makers in order to promote trust and fair and equitable models of coexistence.

It supports the feasibility of a two-state solution and promotes the conditions that allow for greater Palestinian reconciliation and national unity.

Peace and human rights

Rule of law, protection and gender equality

In a context of discrimination and the expansion of illegal settlements, Switzerland helps protect and promote decent conditions and security in the occupied Palestinian territory and in Israel, particularly for the most vulnerable populations. Switzerland continues to promote respect for human rights and international humanitarian law by all parties. It also works for the rights of Palestinians to enjoy health and to access water and natural resources. Switzerland supports gender equality, particularly through local actors who combat gender-based violence.

Activities supported include advocacy, provision of legal aid and psychosocial support. Switzerland supports humanitarian actors and human rights defenders and helps protect their space for action and expression.

Fragility, conflict and human rights

Gender equality

International humanitarian law

Inclusive economic development, youth employment and innovation

In order to strengthen social cohesion and stability, Switzerland contributes to maintaining jobs and creating new opportunities, especially for unemployed youth and women. It aims to improve the conditions for innovative and inclusive economic development. Sectors targeted include agriculture and agri-food, which employ 25% of the workforce. New and existing partnerships, including with the private sector, support the development of entrepreneurship and other skills that young students and graduates need. Among its activities, Switzerland supports initiatives and start-ups with a high potential to create jobs and impact society. Partnerships are sought with Swiss actors, in particular universities, institutional innovation incubators and the private sector, as well as with the relevant regional actors.

Private Sector Development and financial services

Local governance and providing essential services

Switzerland seeks to strengthen social inclusion at local level and to improve the provision of high-quality essential services to everyone. Activities include building the capacity of municipalities and promoting citizens' participation in decision-making, with a particular focus on women's and young people's representation in local government. Humanitarian actors and the United Nations provide certain services (education, health, water) and their work complements Switzerland's activities. A close link between development and humanitarian aid is ensured. UNRWA remains a vital multilateral organisation, providing education and medical care to refugees and social protection for the most vulnerable populations in Gaza and the West Bank. 

In collaboration with other donors such as the World Bank, the SDC gives a voice to vulnerable and marginalised communities to ensure that these programmes leave no one behind. Switzerland participates in humanitarian donor coordination mechanisms to ensure effective and coherent support. 

Good governance

Rapide Response and Emergency Relief

Basic education and vocational skills development

Approach and Swiss partners

The FDFA uses a complementary and flexible combination of partnerships with international organisations (the UN, IFIs, the ICRC, the FAO), international, local and Swiss NGOs, national authorities and other local public and private partners (e.g. universities, technology parks and professional associations). In the oPt, joint partnerships with like-minded countries are essential to mitigate risks, improve coordination and increase aid effectiveness. Support for each partner is carefully monitored: selection is based on their alignment with Swiss foreign policy values, Switzerland's thematic priorities and the given partner's professionalism, effectiveness and impact.

Current project

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Contribution to Humanitarian Fund oPt 2024 - 2026 (OCHA)

01.11.2024 - 31.12.2026

Switzerland, in line with its commitments to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian aid, will contribute to the Humanitarian Fund (HF) as a flexible, needs-based and principled mechanism driven by the Humanitarian Response Plan. It is a pooled mechanism that receives regular support from various donors and is led by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator. It allows fast and coordinated humanitarian response in multiple sectors, based on identified needs and priorities by the cluster system, with focus on lifesaving and emergency activities.

UNICEF – Safeguarding children’s rights in East Jerusalem

01.05.2024 - 31.12.2027

Switzerland’s closing phase will support a comprehensive child rights and child protection programme in East Jerusalem, to keep children and their families safe from conflict-related violence while reducing their vulnerability through specialized services. Therewith, children and their families can benefit from the provision of education and health services in a safe environment. This support is in line with Switzerland’s engagement for the respect of child rights and international law.

Talent Acceleration Program to Scale (TAP-2-Scale)

15.03.2024 - 31.08.2026

With this single-phase intervention, Switzerland aims to foster economic perspectives for Palestinian youth. The intervention will focus on creating long-term job placements of Palestinian graduates in international IT companies (including Switzerland), and it shall be achieved through upskilling programs tailored to private sector needs. The intervention is implemented in partnership with the Palestinian-Dutch start-up company TAP under the modality of payment for results.

Contribution to the humanitarian Access Support Unit (ASU) in the occupied Palestinian territory

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Coordinated access is key for the humanitarian response to the Gaza strip and the West Bank. Switzerland supports the work of the Access Support Unit (ASU) – the UN body that facilities humanitarian access for people and goods in dialogue with relevant authorities in a critical moment. The Swiss contribution is part of the international burden sharing. It supports the timely and safe delivery of humanitarian and development assistance and is to direct benefit of Switzerland’s activities in the oPt.

Contributions to WFP protracted crises Country Strategic Plans in 2024

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

The World Food Programme (WFP) is one of Switzerland’s key multilateral partners due to its unique double mandate of "saving lives" and "changing lives" around food security. The WFP Strategic Plan 2022-2025 lays out the overall objectives in order to eradicate hunger. Contributing to WFP programmes in selected countries with protracted humanitarian needs allows Switzerland to achieve the humanitarian and development goals defined in its Strategy on International Cooperation for 2021-2024.

WHO - Right to Health (Exit Phase)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026

In this final phase of contribution, Switzerland supports the World Health Organization (WHO) to institutionalize the Right to Health (RtH) for Palestinians in the areas of capacity building for duty bearers and right holders, evidence creation for policy reform, accountability and policy dialogue. Switzerland’s support for the right to health is embedded in its engagement for international and human rights law in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Contributions 2024 to ICRC Country Programs in protracted crises

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024

The ICRC is the most important partner of SDC in the humanitarian field. About one third of the SDC Humanitarian Aid budget is allocated to the ICRC. The contribution of CHF 56 million to ICRC country programs reflects Switzerland’s interest to have a strong ICRC throughout the world and to contribute to alleviate the suffering of people affected by conflicts.

Support to Municipal Development Programme (MDP4)

01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027

Through its contribution to the Municipal Development Programme (MDP), Switzerland aims to improve the quality and accessibility of local services and infrastructure provided by Palestinian municipalities to their citizens in the oPt. The programme builds the capacities for stable, transparent and accountable local institutions in the West Bank and Gaza. Supported by key donors of the sector, the programme promotes and supports reforms and provides a prominent platform for sector policy dialogue with the Palestinian Ministry of Local Governance. 

Gaza Economic Resilience Program

01.04.2023 - 31.12.2026

Switzerland contributes to foster the resilience of the private sector in the Gaza Strip. This UNDP implemented multi-donor intervention aims to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in sectors with potential to substitute low quality imports (food, garment, plastic, furniture) through investment support, upskilling of labor, and improved cooperation between business associations and local authorities. A more resilient private sector will generate jobs for youth and reduce the aid dependency in the Gaza Strip.

Programme Contribution to the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)

01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027

ICHR, is dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights in Palestinian controlled territories. It focuses on strengthening the legislative, institutional and legal environment and on monitoring, investigating and handling complaints on human rights put forward by Palestinian citizens. It further aims at promoting accountability measures and consolidating human rights culture. Switzerland’s support to ICHR contributes to the democratic state building agenda, to peace building and dialogue towards intra-Palestinian reconciliation, promotion of rule of law and sustainable development, therefore contributing to stability in the region. 

Resilient culture & art for social change

01.12.2022 - 31.12.2027

Culture and arts play a key role to promote Palestinian identities, dialogue and freedom of expression. Switzerland contributes with this proposal to a diverse, innovative and more resilient cultural sector able to foster democratic values and voice the needs and aspirations of the civil society. The programme employs art as entry point for social dialogue and builds the entrepreneurial capacities of emerging artists.

Multi-donor Agri-business Programme MAP: Promoting Market-oriented Investments and Innovations for Sustainable Agrifood System Development

01.12.2022 - 31.12.2026

The agri-food sector remains key to build a resilient economy and safeguard Palestinians’ access to land and natural resources. Switzerland contributes to this multi-donor program with the aim to improve income and productivity in the agricultural sector. This is done through investment support for small and middle sized Palestinian agri-businesses and through upgrading of 3 regional wholesale markets. This 2. Phase will put emphasis on climate-smart innovation, enhance sector policy dialogue and promote women-led businesses.

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