Skills Development Programme (SDP)

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to address the needs of the domestic labour market remains a key priority for the Cambodian government. With this last phase, training institutions and enterprises in 12 provinces will improve their capacities to equip disadvantaged youth with relevant skills and knowledge. At the same time, the governance and financing of the TVET system as a whole shall be strengthened, incl. through cooperation with the private sector.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Vocational training
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation
01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028
CHF  8’350’000

A number of relevant TVET policies such as the Skills Development Roadmap are in place, providing a basic regulatory framework for building a skilled labour force in Cambodia. The capacities of relevant TVET institutions at different levels and the collaboration among them, however, remains weak. Training contents and delivery are not responding to the needs of employers, which themselves are often not in a position to meaningfully contribute to skills development by offering adequate in-company training opportunities or helping to define curricula. Green skills are not systemically included in vocational training. Competencies and coordination mechanisms at provincial level are insufficient. The overall governance and financing of the TVET sector at both national and sub-national levels is weak.

Disadvantaged young people, in particular women, often quit their education already during secondary school, including in the SDP target provinces. Migration is one among other factors for such labour migration. With a low general education and with limited soft and technical skills, they can only find low-skilled jobs with little perspective for a decent income. Enrolling in formal TVET courses is therefore an important pathway to acquire relevant skills in a systematic manner and to access gainful employment. The capacities of public training institutions, incl. their collaboration with local companies, to provide market-oriented training courses need further improvement.

This consolidation phase aims at leveraging the progress, knowledge and lessons acquired during the first two phases into the government system.

Objectives Disadvantaged young women and men and low-skilled workers have better access to decent employment and increased income.
Target groups

Primary target groups: Trainers, staff, management of TVET institutions; Provincial Training Boards (PTBs); trainers of the Provincial Departments of Tourism (PDoT); owners, managers and supervisory staff of hospitality establishments

Secondary target groups: Young women and men from disadvantaged groups aged 15-35; low-skilled workers

A total of 13,430 learners/trainees are expected to benefit from the project

Medium-term outcomes
  1. TVET governance and coordination at the national and sub-national levels are functioning better
  2. TVET institutes in the target provinces provide quality training to their students and have improved their outreach, private sector engagement and school management
  3. The HoKa (Hospitality Kampuchea) training program is upgraded, institutionalized, sustainably funded and a viable option for skills development in the tourism sector

Expected results:  

1.1 National coordination bodies are supported to perform their tasks more effectively, including with development partners and private sector representatives

1.2 At the sub-national level, better coordination among TVET stakeholders (training providers, companies, etc.) is enabled

2.1 Improved quality of the training delivery by TVET institutions

2.2 Increased outreach and access of the TVET institutions

2.3 Improved management of TVET institutions

3.1 HoKa training is supported to replicated and financed through diversified funding sources

3.2 HoKa is aligned with the Cambodia qualifications framework for endorsement by the National Training Board

Results from previous phases:  

  • 4,500 (♀: 40%) graduates gained access to employment, earning an average monthly income of USD 266 six months after the training
  • 1,615 staff (♀: 24%) from public TVET institutions and private sector (management, technical staff, trainers, instructor assessors, administrative personnel) have improved their capacities in skills development
  • A total of 48 training courses, ranging from vocational skills certificate to diploma levels, were developed or updated
  • Standard Operating Procedures of the Provincial Training Boards were implemented in the target provinces
  • 1,425 cooperation agreements regarding internships/job placement concluded between TVET institutions / provincial departments of tourism and private companies
  • The estimated in-kind contributions (including trainee allowances during the internship, incentives, trainer/instructor fees, training rooms, material and workshops) amounted to over USD 1 million

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Swisscontact
  • Swisscontact, in consortium with Involas (formerly known as Inbas); A delegated cooperation agreement will be signed with the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) regarding their financial contribution to the project.

Coordination with other projects and actors
  • Decent Employment for Youth in Cambodia (SDC)
  • ASTI/PROMISE projects (SDC)
  • Skills Development Fund
  • Loans given by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    8’350’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    2’000’000 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   18’616’932 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   28’220’000
Project phases Phase 3 01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028   (Current phase) Phase 2 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2024   (Active) Phase 1 01.05.2014 - 30.06.2020   (Active)