Skills for Employment Tanzania – SET

Project completed
Babati, Tanzania
Babati, Tanzania © SNV

SET seeks to enhance youth (self) employment by improving the Vocational Skills Development (VSD) system. It will support public and private stakeholders to expand access to quality training that matches the demand from both the economy and youth, in particular women, including young mothers. Key elements from the Swiss VSD model will be emphasized: the coordination between skills providers and private sector, practical training and innovation.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Employment & economic development
Vocational training
Employment creation
Vocational training
Education policy
01.03.2017 - 30.06.2022
CHF  7’000’000
Background In Tanzania, a huge share of young people is in vulnerable employment, hindering their ability to move out of poverty. VSD can play a pivotal role to make jobs more accessible, productive and with decent income but it requires to identify potential economic sectors and to link the youth with private actors. Besides, the VSD system faces a number of challenges that relate to access, quality and relevance of skills. These challenges are increasingly acknowledged among VSD stakeholders, both public and private. The government has recently endorsed the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS), with the aim to strengthen the VSD system and improving its market relevance thanks to a strong partnership with the private sector (establishment of a National and Sector Skills Councils).
Objectives To improve prospects of gainful youth (self-) employment through a contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of VSD.
Target groups
  • Youth (15-24 years), in particular those who cannot access the formal VSD system as well as young women, including young mothers;
  • Training providers – both public and private – as well as key government institutions like VETA and the MVTTC, considered as strategic actors to improve the overall VSD system for the youth.
Medium-term outcomes
  1. Macro level: The Tanzanian skills development system improves its labor market relevance by enhancing its responsiveness, dynamism, demand orientation, increasing the employment rate of VSD graduates  to 30%.
  2. Meso level: Improved quality of training of 250 trainers at MVTTC leads to increased quality of training for 3000 MVTTC students and future trainers benefitting 5000 formal TVET students (M: 3000; F: 2000).
  3. Micro level: 4’800 youth profitably and innovatively get involved in agriculture through improved services of 23 skills providers from the Morogoro region delivering skills for an additional 6’000 youth (M: 3000; F: 3000, including 1000 young mothers).

Expected results:  

  • The  National and Sector Skills Councils operate and implement the NSDS led by the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation;
  • The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) has been supported in the publication and dissemination of relevant and useful labor market specific information;
  • Pedagogical teacher training is reviewed and contemporary pedagogical training package has been developed and tested in cooperation with MVTTC and stakeholders;
  • Training delivery of TVET teacher training has been reviewed and new approaches have been explored and proposed;
  • A platform for training providers in the agri-sector is established and supported in the Morogoro region;
  • Innovative approaches to improve outreach, efficiency and accessibility of all-inclusive training and information have been developed, tested and assessed. 

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Development cooperation
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Foreign private sector South/East
  • Swisscontact

Other partners
Coordination with other projects and actors Coordination has already started with the World Bank, who is supporting the NSDS. Further partnerships will be defined with other initiatives supporting VETA and MVTTC. SDC will facilitate synergies with other projects in the domain E+I (OYE, MVIWATA, ANSAF). At the regional level, cross-learning is expected with Ashoka and projects implemented by Swisscontact. 
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    7’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    5’825’464
Project phases Phase 2 01.07.2022 - 30.06.2026   (Current phase)

Phase 1 01.03.2017 - 30.06.2022   (Completed)