Urban Durable Solutions Pemba Cabo Delgado

Through inclusive spatial planning analysis and the implementation of Urban Durable Solutions this program will upgrade the capacities of the city of Pemba to provide space and better living conditions for displaced and host communities, including improved access to basic services, infrastructures, and socio-economic opportunities. This project complements interventions in SDC’s portfolio in Mozambique to provide quality services. 

Land/Region Thema Periode Budget
Beschäftigung & Wirtschaftsentwicklung
Humanitäre Hilfe & DRR
Städtische Entwicklung
Schutz, Zugang & Sicherheit
01.12.2023 - 30.11.2025
CHF  1’950’000
Hintergrund The humanitarian crisis continues to affect districts in Northern Mozambique with an estimated number of 850,599 IDPs currently displaced due to the conflict (IOM, 2023). Pemba municipality hosts the largest population of IDPs with a stunning 70% increase of the total number of inhabitants. The influx of displaced populations, combined with the effects of previous disasters and high socio-economic vulnerability, are having profound impacts on the housing market, the land use and land tenure in areas where IDPs settle, leading to unplanned urbanization. With local authorities and communities largely unprepared to manage such massive population influx, living conditions in hosting areas are continuously deteriorating, limiting access to adequate housing, basic services and community infrastructure, which notably lead also to an improper use of natural resources and environmental degradation. Populations have little access to employment and income generating activities, resulting in situations of increased poverty, food insecurity, marginalization and eroding social cohesion.
Ziele To strengthen the resilience of communities impacted by displacement, in particular women and girls, and strengthen the capacities of local authorities to address challenges linked with unplanned urbanization following the mass influx of IDPs from Northern Mozambique.
  • 361.712 people living in the Municipality of Pemba (host and displaced, with focus on women and girls)
  • 15.542 people living in Muxara neighbourhood (host and displaced) in with a particular focus on vulnerable women and girls
Mittelfristige Wirkungen

Outcome 1: engagement of communities has improved in participatory and gender-inclusive planning and management at municipal and neighbourhood scale and awareness rising with specific social services provision.

Outcome 2: living conditions for vulnerable women and girls within host communities and IDPs have increased at the neighbourhood scale with assisted self-construction of prioritized community infrastructure “including on the job” training and employment / entrepreneurship opportunities.  

Outcome 3: capacities of local authorities and communities in integration of IDPs have increased, ensuring the sharing of experiences, as well as systemic monitoring and evaluation to extract lessons learned and formulate guidelines for scaling-up. 


Erwartete Resultate:  

Output 1.1. Coherent, simplified, and efficient urban plans and tools are provided to local authorities and communities

Output 1.2. Participatory approaches are deployed to develop local plans and projects of community infrastructure, public services, and land use

Output 1.3. Community engagement and awareness-raising activities are organized on human rights, gender-based violence, and peaceful coexistence

Output 2.1. Community infrastructure & services typological projects are designed

Output 2.2. Community infrastructure & public services interventions are implemented

Output 2.3. Community members’ capacities in urban planning, management and safe (re) construction techniques are improved

Output 3.1. Local officials and community members’ capacities are improved through promotion of tailor-made training packages

Resultate von früheren Phasen:  

The program is already ongoing under Canada financing, with the following results achieved:

  • An Urban Profiling framework for Pemba city was developed improving spatial understanding on rapid growth and emergency planning
  • A Neighborhood Gender Sensitive Action Plan for the first pilot neighborhood (Mahate) has been elaborated defining public services and infrastructure to be improved
  • The public services and community infrastructure portfolio for Mahate has been designed (12 physical interventions to be implemented)
  • Local micro construction enterprises, local artisans, skilled and unskilled labor were trained on resilient construction techniques
  • Strengthened family and community support and provided focused Mental Health and Psycho-social Support services

Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt DEZA
Projektpartner Vertragspartner
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO)
  • International Organisation for Migration

Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren

SDC projects: private sector development, value chain, Cabo Delgado Health Promotion, Decentralization, Social Cohesion

Other donors: World Bank, World Food Program, European Union
Public sector: relevant agencies 

Budget Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF    1’950’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF    1’500’000 Projekttotal seit Anfangsphase Schweizer Beitrag CHF   0 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF   1’950’000
Projektphasen Phase 1 01.12.2023 - 30.11.2025   (Laufende Phase)