Nationally appropriated adaptation and mitigation forest action plan Andean region

Proyecto terminado

Nationally Appropriated Mitigation Action Plans (NAMA) are new international climate policy instruments aimed at addressing developed and developing countries greenhouse gas emissions reductions while supporting sustainable development. Chile is one of the first countries to develop forest-sector NAMAs. SDC supports this innovative process in Chile and – through supporting South-South exchange – the extension of methods and approaches to Andean countries and others mountain forest countries.

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Cambio climático y medio ambiente
Environmental policy
Protección de la biosfera
01.02.2013 - 30.06.2017
CHF  1’600’000

The Chilean Forest NAMA proposal offers an opportunity to develop one of the first Forest NAMA in the world. It serves as a valuable learning experience and model for other Andean countries with a view to develop effective policy instruments to address climate change and build capacities. The development and successful implementation of this proposal is regarded as an important contribution to building new and more effective global climate change finance architecture.


Development and implementation of the Nationally appropriated forest adaptation and mitigation action plan as an effective instrument to mitigate climate change.

Grupos destinarios

  • Small and poor landowners who will benefit from the implementation of forest projects and access to carbon market.
  • Chile’s 120’000 forest landowners in the country, 40’000 forest related entities, and the 1.7 million persons dependent on forest related activities for their jobs and livelihoods.
  • Policy makers and development partners in the ANFOR project.
  • Efectos a medio plazo
    1. Setting up of a national platform for the generation and marketing of forest carbon credits, as an effective legal and technical instrument that complies with international standards. The platform incorporates specific guidelines for project development and a system of monitoring, reporting and verification.
    2. Creation of an instrument that complies with international standards, links forest landowners with national and international markets for forest carbon credits, and efficiently distributes the economic benefits thereby derived.



    Resultados de las fases anteriores:  


    1. National legislative framework for NAMA developed under consideration of international standards
    2. Forest pilots established in the various hot-spot areas in the country, including afforestation on marginal sites and restoration of degraded forests, considering leakage and additionality factors
    3. National and international demands for forest carbon credits analyzed and Verified Carbon Standards projects under implementation
    4. A monitoring, reporting and verification system is designed at national level and ready for initial testing
    5. Exchanges between the Chilean partners and partners of the SDC regional project on forests in Andean countries (ANFOR) have brought knowledge and approaches to Andean partner countries.


    Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
    Crédito Cooperación al desarrollo
    Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
    Institución estatal extrangera
    • Central State of South East
    • The Chilean International Cooperation Agency (AGCI) and National Forestry Commission (CONAF)

    Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    1’600’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    1’567’580
    Fases del proyecto

    Fase 1 01.02.2013 - 30.06.2017   (Completed)