Watch Swiss films 'Drii Winter/A Piece of Sky' by Michael Koch and 'La Dérive des continents' by Lionel Baier at the Habitat International Film Festival 2023.
Drii Winter/A Piece of Sky: In a remote mountain village, the still young love of Anna and Marco is put to serve a test. As a result of the brain tumor, Marco increasingly loses his impulse control. In the tense relationship between the village community and the effects of Marco’s illness, Anne tries to preserve a love that in the end outshines even death.
La Dérive des continents: Nathalie Adler is on a mission in Sicily for the European Union, organizing the upcoming visit of a migrant camp by Macron and Merkel. Their presence has great symbolic value, demonstrating that everything is under control. But Albert, Nathalie's son, who is an activist with a nonprofit, turns up out of the blue, years after breaking off all contact with his mother. Their reunion will prove more explosive than the diplomatic mission.