Switzerland to Launch Hayat II project in Sohag city to improve the economic livelihood of 1,000 people

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Local news, 18.05.2017

Cairo, Egypt – The Embassy of Switzerland, together with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), will launch “Hayat II” project on May 21 in Egypt’s Upper Egyptian city of Sohag, with the aim of boosting the economic livelihood of 1,000 people through providing them with training and income generating opportunities in the agricultural field.

The “Human Security through Inclusive Socioeconomic Development in Upper Egypt” project – known as Hayat II - is financed by the Embassy of Switzerland’s Office for International Cooperation at a value of US$ 1.2 million over the next 3 years. It will be implemented by UNIDO in collaboration with Egypt’s Ministry of Local Development and the Governorate of Sohag.

The project will address root causes of unemployment in Sohag including quality of education and access to finance. By focusing on Sohag’s promising agricultural sector, Hayat II will provide young men, women and children with innovative support schemes that can help boost their entrepreneurship skills and generate income.

News 18.05.2017 (PDF, 2 Pages, 381.9 kB)