The Organic Trade 4 Development (OT4D) – a programme of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) – is launching the Scaling-Up Organic Fund (SUOF) to co-finance relevant, impact enhancing activities with a potential to add value to the programme’s objectives and Albania’s organic markets.
Are you currently leading an organic local activity in Albania? Read the information below and apply until 31 August.
Organic Trade 4 Development Programme (OT4D) is managed by IFOAM-Organics International, together with the consortium Helvetas-FiBL and with the support of local implementing partners.
The SUOF is an internal project funding scheme designed to co-finance relevant and impactful activities in the organic sector and is designed to support existing organic initiatives in the local organic markets in Albania.
The available funds will be allocated to existing businesses that submit proposals with the best outcomes for the sustainable development of the local organic sector in Albania with a focus on the following bottlenecks:
- Access to the local market
- Value chain(s) development
- Service provision (organic inputs, technical assistance, etc)
Proposals will have to address commercial, technical and institutional innovations.
More information is available here or you can apply directly at the OT4D website.