PET provides qualifications that are required to carry out demanding occupations and managerial roles, keeping the economy supplied with qualified specialists. Every year, more than 26,000 people earn a PET qualification.
Higher vocational and professional education and training (PET)

For professionals with a federal VET diploma or equivalent at upper-secondary level, the PET system enables them to specialise and deepen their expertise. Qualifications in business management can also be obtained through PET.
Further training and specialisation for professionals
PET builds on professional experience, combining teaching with experience in the workplace, applying the dual system of vocational education and training also at the tertiary level. The training is skills and labour-market oriented, and employs the techniques of applied learning, the rapid implementation of new skills and a high rate of innovation. This ensures that the highly specialised Swiss economy is kept supplied with qualified specialists.
A Swiss speciality
Switzerland's PET system is one of a kind. Its education and training programmes and qualifications are often unfamiliar in countries which do not have a dual VET system. In many countries, equivalent programmes are provided by higher education institutions. Measures are currently under way to strengthen the PET system and to improve its standing internationally.