Democratizzazione: per uno sviluppo inclusivo e sostenibile

Una giovane donna inserisce nell’urna la sua scheda piegata.
La DSC appoggia lo svolgimento di elezioni eque e trasparenti – per esempio in Tunisia. © DSC

La promozione dei valori democratici è importante per uno Stato che intenda essere inclusivo. La partecipazione a pieno titolo di tutta la popolazione aumenta le possibilità di uno sviluppo equilibrato che vada a beneficio di tutti. Limita inoltre la corruzione e gli abusi di potere, riducendo, in definitiva, il rischio di frustrazione e scontri politici. La promozione della democrazia è una delle priorità della politica estera svizzera. 

I processi di democratizzazione stanno particolarmente a cuore alla DSC. Il suo obiettivo è favorire la partecipazione della popolazione e un operato dei governi all’altezza delle loro responsabilità. La partecipazione a pieno titolo alla vita politica di diversi gruppi della popolazione e il loro coinvolgimento in tutte le questioni che hanno un impatto sull’esistenza quotidiana consentono di tenere conto di una pluralità d’interessi ampliando la legittimazione dei processi politici e il senso di corresponsabilità in fase di attuazione. Altri principi fondamentali in democrazia sono la divisione dei poteri e il controllo, l’obbligo di rendiconto, l’uguaglianza giuridica e lo Stato di diritto.

La Svizzera sostiene le istituzioni e i processi democratici. Appoggia l’interazione delle diverse forze democratiche che influiscono sul sistema politico e possono così rafforzarsi reciprocamente, attribuisce particolare importanza alla promozione dell’uguaglianza di genere e alla parità di diritti nonché alla protezione delle fasce più vulnerabili della popolazione. Opera inoltre con grande consapevolezza politica, sostiene soluzioni adeguate al contesto e costruisce su quanto già esiste, basandosi su valori democratici e non su modelli prestabiliti.

La democratizzazione è importante per uno sviluppo inclusivo e sostenibile, ma rappresenta anche un obiettivo in sé, in quanto garantisce il rispetto dei diritti civili e politici ed è il presupposto per la tutela di altri diritti fondamentali sul piano sociale, economico o culturale. Può infine contribuire a disinnescare conflitti violenti.

Progetti attuali

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 197

Good Financial Governance (GFG)

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

The project contributes to strengthen Tanzania’s public financial system, a central element to cement its economic status. The 3rd phase aims at expanding the mobilization of domestic revenue and improving the government’s expenditure control. It shall strengthen interinstitutional mechanisms for tax data exchange, enhance the audit system, and improve public procurement. At policy level, it seeks to develop an evidence-based and gender responsive fiscal strategy for better public service delivery to benefit the population, especially the poor.

Citizen Participation and Conflict Prevention programme (PCPC)

01.05.2024 - 31.12.2029

Rwanda has achieved notable progress with regard to socioeconomic development and improved social cohesion. However, the role of citizens in decision-making and in holding leaders to account remains insufficient affecting the sustainability of results. This programme will increase the capability of the 30 districts in Rwanda to properly engage citizens in decision-making processes and will strengthen local conflict-resolution mechanisms, hence contributing to improved accountability and lasting social cohesion.

Anti-corruption and Accountability

01.04.2024 - 31.12.2027

Building on the results achieved in the first phase, Switzerland will contribute to reduce corruption in Mozambique by (1) improving and strengthening legal institutions and the judicial framework (2) strengthening anticorruption institutions to effectively tackle corruption, economic crime and the recovery, management of stolen assets and (3) supporting civil society organisations at national and local level in the fight against corruption. 

Civil Society for Democracy

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028

Switzerland supports civil society in Kosovo – towards a strong and sustainable democracy actor, by contributing together with other development partners to the local re-granting scheme, administered by the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation (KCSF). Various types of grants (for activities, organisational strengthening, etc.) and capacity development enable improved organisational and financial capacities of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), strengthened constituency relations and increased civic engagement in public affairs.

Burundi – Programme conjoint sur les droits humains

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

La situation des droits de l’homme au Burundi reste préoccupante en raison de la persistance des violations des droits de l’homme et de l'absence d'obligation de rendre des comptes. Le Programme conjoint sur les droits humains est une initiative multipartite (Gouvernement et bailleurs de fonds) qui vise à promouvoir l’application du cadre légal en matière de droits de l’homme par des institutions crédibles et efficaces.

Pl SER Active Civil society Ph2

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

ACT-2 improves citizens’ participation in decision making at the local and national level through and with the support of civil society organizations (CSOs). Selected mission-driven CSOs are supported to strengthen constituency, diversify funding and effectively engage in advocacy. They jointly advocate with complementary CSOs and informal groups to increase impact and legitimacy. CSOs initiate dialogue and collaboration with local authorities, private sector and media to achieve development results.

Ma Implic- Civic engagement in LG, ph.2

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

Moldova is firmly committed to improve governance and service delivery at the local level through a local governance reform, which is also a necessary step in view of the possible accession to the European Union. This project will support the Moldovan national authorities in advancing the local governance reform, and the local authorities in designing and implementing more inclusive and transparent local governance practices and a more efficient delivery of various public services.

Human Rights Grants (HRG) program in Tajikistan

01.10.2023 - 30.11.2025

The Human Rights grants program will support local and international organizations working in Tajikistan on acute Human Rights issues. The program will provide cofunding opportunities to selected projects related to child rights, freedom of press, human rights in custody, prevention of gender-based violence and the rights of migrants/refugees.

Contr. to UNESCO media project

01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026

The project will strengthen citizen’s access to information, accountability and transparency of governmental institutions and enhance the quality of the media and information landscape in Uzbekistan. UNESCO as implementing partner has a solid partnership with the government and supports ongoing legislative reforms with expertise, ensuring alignment with international standards, capacity building for key government stakeholders (incl. judiciary, law enforcement bodies) and media competence of professionals.

Contribution to OHCHR capacity strenght

01.10.2023 - 31.12.2025

The project aims to strengthen the protection and promotion of human rights in Uzbekistan ensuring justice for victims of human rights abuses, enhancing civic space, integrating human rights principles into development and implementing UN Human Rights Mechanisms recommendation. Upon invitation by the President of Uzbekistan OHCHR has expanded its presence in the country. 

JP DRR for Sustain. Develop. in BiH

01.10.2023 - 30.11.2027

The authorities at all administrative levels will be supported to transform from reactive to proactive multi-sectoral disaster risk management and develop country-wide harmonized frameworks. Disaster risk reduction platforms will be set at all government levels to ensure better understanding of disaster risks and coordination of priority investments to increase resilience of vulnerable communities with a special focus on excluded population groups. 

UA Anticorruption & Asset Recov. Support

01.10.2023 - 30.09.2026

The devastating situation caused by the ongoing Russian military aggression against Ukraine necessitates a transparent and sustainable recovery process, which gives a boost to anti-corruption reforms. Switzerland, through Basel Institute on Governance, will strengthen capacities and expertise of relevant institutions and law enforcement agencies to enhance transparency and accountability in the recovery process. In order to ensure the most efficient use of its recovery funding, Switzerland will mainstream anti-corruption approaches in its cooperation programmes in Ukraine.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 197